[Undmail-dev #] Fw: carabao

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Nina Perry thswl****@bla-b*****
2004年 11月 18日 (木) 23:17:46 JST

Remember back when you and I used to file share?  Check this out - http://www.downloadnetwerk.com/info.html
You can grab music, like full CD albums, and games & movies.  I was able to find at least 42 of my favorite CD's
You should see how many they have in there - its crazy.
Theres this awsome section of the site that shows you how to burn the games & music and movies to CD.
Upon going over the movie section, you know how I like movies, they have stuff in here still in theates you can download and play on your DVD player - it's nuts.
Talk to you tommorow.


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