[Ultrapossum-cvs 945] demo/uml 1.21,1.22,README

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Masato Taruishi taru****@users*****
2004年 10月 19日 (火) 19:24:52 JST

RCS file: demo/uml/README,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -r1.21 -r1.22
--- demo/uml/README	2004/10/19 09:50:58	1.21
+++ demo/uml/README	2004/10/19 10:24:52	1.22
@@ -122,5 +122,19 @@
       ~# dpkg --get-selections > /etc/ultrapossum/uml/uml0/selections
+Customizing root file system
+ ultrapossum-uml uses rootstrap to create the root file system, so you
+ can customize it by using roostrap.conf though its path is different.
+ You can see /etc/ultrapossum/in.d/ultrapossum.conf.in. This is a
+ template file for the special care version of configuration file for
+ ultrapossum-uml. You can edit this template file. For example,
+ if you want to increase root file system size, then set initialsize
+ value to your appropriate size such as:
+   initialsize=1024
+ See rootstrap(1) for more details.
 Have fun!

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