XMODEM Checksum does CRC
Could you please let us see xmodem.log?
Have no log. I tried to upload firmware to Atmega128 with my own created bootloader. Could'nt get it running with TT. Other Terminals work fine... So i connected another PC to RS232. I started transfer at TT. Then i sent xH01 from the other PC Nothing hapened.
After the receiver sent xH01 (SOH) the transmitter should start XModem-send with 8-Bit-checksum.
So i sent ASCII "C" to TT, which is starting character for XMODEM-CRC. The statuswindow of TT changed from "checksum" to "CRC" and TT sent a block with 16bit CRC- checkksum...
Sorry, SOH = xH15, but i did that right in my code...
Forget last entry :-)
If set XmodemLog=on in TERATERM.INI, the transfer log of xmodem is saved to teraterm directory.
Type of error detection can be only specified at receiver side. It's xmodem protocol specification.
Tying to send a file by XMODEM-Checksum (8-Bit Modulo) will be sent as XMODEM-CRC. To select the option "Checksum" has no effect. First in transfer window "checksum" will be shown. Receiver sends an xH01 (SOH) and sender should send first block. But when receiver sends SOH, nothing happens. When receiver sends an "C" as ready-signal for a CRC-transfer, Teraterm will change its status to "CRC" in tranfer windows and the transfer will start as CRC.
So Xmodem with Option "Checksum" doesnt work...
Found this error by trying to use TT for XMODEM-Firmware-upload to an Atmega128 with self programmed bootloader with XMODEM-Checksum.
Thank you for correcting this ...