[Slashdotjp-dev 513] CVS update: slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates

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Tatsuki SUGIURA sugi****@users*****
2006年 7月 12日 (水) 20:51:50 JST

Index: slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/author_activity;misc;default
diff -u slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/author_activity;misc;default: slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/author_activity;misc;default:removed
--- slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/author_activity;misc;default:	Wed Jul 12 20:41:44 2006
+++ slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/author_activity;misc;default	Wed Jul 12 20:51:50 2006
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-You should describe stuff here.
-Useless title to template
-[% IF daddy %]
-	<tr class="data_hl1"><td><a href="[% $gSkin.rootdir %]/shifts.pl">Daddypants:</a> [% daddy.nickname | strip_literal %]</td></tr>
-[% END %]
-[% seen_uids = {}; num = 0 %]
-[% FOREACH act = activity %]
-	[% NEXT IF seen_uids.${act.uid}; %]
-	[% class = num % 2 ? "data_hl1" : "data_hl2"; %]
-	[% IF act.title %]
-		<tr class="[% class %]"><td>
-		[% act.nickname | strip_literal %]  [% act.verb %] <a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% IF act.sid %]admin.pl?op=edit&amp;sid=[% act.sid %][% ELSIF act.subid %]submit.pl?op=viewsub&subid=[% act.subid %][% END %]">[% act.title %]</a> [% act.usertime %]
-		[% seen_uids.${act.uid} = 1 %]
-		[% num = !num %]
-		</td></tr>
-	[% END %]
-[% END %]
-$Id: author_activity;misc;default,v 2006/07/12 11:41:44 sugi Exp $
Index: slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff;misc;default
diff -u slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff;misc;default: slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff;misc;default:removed
--- slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff;misc;default:	Wed Jul 12 20:41:44 2006
+++ slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff;misc;default	Wed Jul 12 20:51:50 2006
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-stoid = stoid of story signoff is for
-storylink = is this to be included in a listing of storylinks on index.pl (if so we'll put it inside a list item)
-checked = should this box be checked?
-Signoff checkbox
-[% IF constants.plugin.Ajax && constants.signoff_use %]
-[% checked = Slash.db.hasUserSignedStory(stoid, user.uid); %]
-[% IF storylink %]
-<li class="signoff">[% END %]
-[% PROCESS ajax_reskey_signoff reskey_label => 'signoff-reskey-' _ stoid, reskey_name => 'ajax_admin' %]
-<input type="checkbox" name="adminsignoff" value="[% stoid %]" onclick="admin_signoff(this);"[% IF checked; constants.markup_checked_attribute; END %]><span id="signoff_[% stoid %]"><b>Sign</b></span>
-[% IF storylink %]</li>[% END %]
-[% END %]
-$Id: signoff;misc;default,v 2006/07/12 11:41:44 sugi Exp $
Index: slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff_box;misc;default
diff -u slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff_box;misc;default: slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff_box;misc;default:removed
--- slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff_box;misc;default:	Wed Jul 12 20:41:44 2006
+++ slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff_box;misc;default	Wed Jul 12 20:51:50 2006
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-You should describe stuff here.
-Useless title to template
-[% IF header %]<b>[% header %]</b><br>[% END %]
-[% IF signoffs.size == 0; 
-	content = "<b>No Signoffs</b>";
-	content = content _ "<table>";
-	FOREACH signoff = signoffs;
-		content = content _ "<tr><td>" _  signoff.nickname  _ "</td><td>" _ Slash.timeCalc(signoff.signoff_time, "%m-%d %H:%M:%S", 0) _"</td><td>" _ signoff.signoff_type _"</td></tr>";
-	END;
-	content = content _ "</table>";
- END %]
-[% content %]
-$Id: signoff_box;misc;default,v 2006/07/12 11:41:44 sugi Exp $
Index: slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff_stats;misc;default
diff -u slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff_stats;misc;default: slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff_stats;misc;default:removed
--- slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff_stats;misc;default:	Wed Jul 12 20:41:44 2006
+++ slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/signoff_stats;misc;default	Wed Jul 12 20:51:50 2006
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-You should describe stuff here.
-Useless title to template
-<table class="data">
-<tr class="data_head">
-	<td></td>
-	[% FOREACH days = num_days %]
-	<td colspan="2">[% days %] days<br>
-	[% num_stories = stoids_for_days.$days.keys.size || 0 %]
-	[% num_stories %] stories
-	</td>
-	[% END %]
-[% FOREACH author = author_info.keys %]
-	<tr class="data_hl1"><td>[% author_info.$author.nickname %]</td>
-	[% FOREACH days = num_days %]
-	[% num_stories = stoids_for_days.$days.keys.size || 0 %]
-	[% cnt = author_info.$author.$days.cnt || 0 %]
-	<td>[% cnt %] of [% num_stories %]</td>
-	<td> 
-		[% IF cnt > 0 %]
-			[% avg_time = author_info.$author.$days.tot_time / cnt %]
-			[% avg_time.int %] m
-		[% ELSE %]
-			N/A
-		[% END %]
-	</td>
-	[% END %]
-	</tr>
-[% END %]
-$Id: signoff_stats;misc;default,v 2006/07/12 11:41:44 sugi Exp $
Index: slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/spellcheck;admin;default
diff -u slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/spellcheck;admin;default: slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/spellcheck;admin;default:removed
--- slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/spellcheck;admin;default:	Wed Jul 12 20:41:44 2006
+++ slashjp/plugins/Admin/templates/spellcheck;admin;default	Wed Jul 12 20:51:50 2006
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Displays a table listing misspelt words and any available corrections.
-<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" class="data" style="background: #ccc; width: 150px;" id="spellcheck_[% form_element %]">
-	<tr class="data_head" style="background: #066;">
-		<td>Spellcheck</td>
-		<td></td>
-	</tr>
-[% FOREACH misspelled_word = words.keys %]
-	<tr class="data_hl3" id="[% misspelled_word %]_[% form_element %]_correction">
-		<td><span style="color: #000;">[% misspelled_word %]</span></td>
-		[% escaped_word = misspelled_word.replace("'", "\\'")  %]
-		<td><select name="select_[% form_element %]_[% misspelled_word %]" onChange="make_spelling_correction('[% escaped_word %]', '[% form_element %]');">
-		<option value=''>Suggestions
-		<option style="color:#c00;" value=''>- Learn -
-		[% FOREACH correction = words.$misspelled_word %]
-			<option value="[% correction %]">[% correction %]
-		[% END %]
-		</select>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-[% END %]
-$Id: spellcheck;admin;default,v 2006/07/12 11:41:44 sugi Exp $

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