Download von samba-4.1.0-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz (samba-4.1.0-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz ( externer Link: 16,893,802 Bytes) wird in Kürze beginnen. Wenn nicht, klicke auf samba-4.1.0-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz ( externer Link:
Samba4 build for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64Bit
Currently maintained:
This is a compiled version of the original samba4 sources from git:// I used the following configure options: --with-ads --with-shared-modules=idmap_ad
I just added three init scripts found somwhere and put the samba_backup script from source into samba/bin
If you want to use it, see README