Download von OPENBEXICreative-2.0_beta_R3-linux-installer.bin (OPENBEXICreative-2.0_beta_R3-linux-installer.bin ( externer Link: 52,239,236 Bytes) wird in Kürze beginnen. Wenn nicht, klicke auf OPENBEXICreative-2.0_beta_R3-linux-installer.bin ( externer Link:
OpenBEXI is a WYSIWYG HTML builder using the magic of HTML5 and CSS3 . By resizing, dragging and dropping various HTML widgets it is easy to build a web page. All texts using the DOJO editor, pictures, charts, chart-flows, Dygraphs, timelines, lists and DOJO widgets edited on your browser look like the HTML page you are going to publish to your web site. OpenBEXI provides a powerful CSS and JavaScript editor to change on the fly the presentation and the behavior of your web pages. Tools allow you to create, manage and publish web projects and HTML pages for Internet.