

Source code ColorSynth MIDI controlled RGB LED lighting fixtures. Coded in assembly for Microchip PIC16F1827, 16F88 and 16F628A microcontrollers. Released under gplv3


Betriebssystem: Other


Latest 5 files
Name Größe Datum Anzahl der Downloads
CS release v2014-04-25 - dip fix.hex 9.5 KB 2014-04-25 18:21 12
CS Release v2014-04-25 - dip switch 34.4 KB 2014-04-25 18:09 6
ColorSynth V2.0 BOM.txt 1.4 KB 2014-04-25 18:08 4
ColorSynth PCB-Schem v2.0 Readme.txt 1.1 KB 2014-04-25 18:08 5
CS-PCB-V2.0-top.jpg 393.4 KB 2014-04-25 18:00 17
All Files
HEX firmware
CS release v2014-04-25 - dip fix.hex9.5 KB2014-04-25 18:2112
CS release v2010-03-10.HEX6.9 KB2010-03-12 09:027
Source Code
CS Release v2014-04-25 - dip switch fix.zip34.4 KB2014-04-25 18:096
CS release v2010-12-30 - knobs.zip1.0 MB2011-01-04 09:158
CS release v2009-08-01.zip467.4 KB2010-12-31 08:546
CS release v2010-03-10.zip503.9 KB2010-03-12 09:018
PCB and Schematic
ColorSynth V2.0 BOM.txt1.4 KB2014-04-25 18:084
ColorSynth PCB-Schem v2.0 Readme.txt1.1 KB2014-04-25 18:085
CS-PCB-V2.0-top.jpg393.4 KB2014-04-25 18:0017
CS-PCB-V2.0-components.jpg359.3 KB2014-04-25 18:001
CS-PCB-V2.0-bottom.jpg384.5 KB2014-04-25 18:002
CS 16f1827.sch110.1 KB2014-04-25 18:0023
CS 16f1827.brd80.5 KB2014-04-25 18:0023
CS Distro
CS Distro v1.0.png14.6 KB2011-04-06 08:518
CS Distro.sch99.4 KB2011-04-06 08:5014
ColorSynth V1.0 BOM.txt1.4 KB2011-01-04 08:468
ColorSynth PCB-Schem v1.0 Readme.txt1.4 KB2011-01-04 08:138
ColorSynth schematic v1.0 for 16f88 EAGLE.sch127.4 KB2011-01-04 08:13120
ColorSynth PCB v 1.0 for 16f88 EAGLE.brd32.8 KB2011-01-04 08:1329
README.TXT4.5 KB2010-12-31 10:106
ColorSynth Manual_v1.1.pdf514.7 KB2010-12-31 10:1026
ColorSynth_Manual_v1.0.pdf448.8 KB2010-03-12 09:0325
LICENSE.TXT33.9 KB2010-03-12 09:0410