[Rubycocoa-devel 1419] release next version? (1.0.1)

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kimura wataru kimur****@i*****
Sat Oct 10 23:24:21 JST 2009


We fixed some problems of RubyCocoa on Snow Leopard.
I think we should release new version of RubyCocoa.

I summarized changes from 1.0.0.

=== Improvements

  * RubyCocoa.framework built for 10.5 works on 10.6
  * NSString for same string returns same hash in Ruby world.
    it enables NSString to become a key of Hash.

      str1 = OSX::NSString.alloc.initWithString("a")
      str2 = OSX::NSString.alloc.initWithString("a")
      hash = {}
      hash[str1] = 1
      hash[str2] = 2
      p hash[str1] # => 2

  * refactoring build system
     * deprecate config option "--build-universal"
     * introduce config option "--target-archs"

        old) ruby install.rb config --build-universal=yes
        new) ruby install.rb config --target-archs="i386 x86_64 ppc"

  * upgrade project templates for Xcode 3.x

=== Fixes

  * Snow Leopard
     * Fixed application stops with errors for thread such as
       "Assertion failed: (ctx->autoreleasePool ..."
     * Fixed some errors of invocation-based undo with NSUndoManager
  * x86_64
     * correct value of OSX::NSNotFound (Foudation.bridgesupport is wrong)
     * Fixed debug log sometimes prints incorrect integer values
     * Fixed getting values for 64-bit from bridgesupport files

kimura wataru

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