[Rubycocoa-devel 1332] Re: require_framework documentation

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Eloy Duran eloy.****@gmail*****
Sat Apr 12 02:33:49 JST 2008

Hi Scott,

First of all, thanks a lot for the tremendous amount of work you've  
put into documenting it.

I have added the long version to the wiki:
And I've updated the rdoc version a bit; replaced "routine" with  
"method" and some punctuation.
If nobody else has any objections then I'll add this tomorrow.

# The OSX::require_framework method imports Mac OS X frameworks and  
uses the
# BridgeSupport metadata to add Ruby entry points for the framework's  
# methods, and Constants into the OSX module.
# The framework parameter is a reference to the framework that should be
# imported.  This may be a full path name to a particular framework, a  
# or a framework name.  The shortcuts are the keys listed in the
# <tt>QUICK_FRAMEWORKS</tt> hash.
# If a framework name (with no path) is given, then the method  
searches a number
# of directories.  Those directories (in search order) are:
#   1.  /System/Library/Frameworks
#   2.  /Library/Frameworks
#   3.  Any directories in the RUBYCOCOA_FRAMEWORK_PATHS array, if  
#   4.  ENV['HOME']/Library/Frameworks, if the HOME environment  
variable is defined
# When using the search paths, the <tt>.framework</tt> file type  
extension should
# be omitted from the framework name passed to the method.
# If the method loads the framework successfully, it returns <tt>true</ 
# If the framework was already loaded the method returns <tt>false</tt>.
# If the method is unable to locate, or unable to load the framework  
then it
# raises an <tt>ArgumentError</tt>.
def require_framework(framework)


On 11 apr 2008, at 15:53, Scott Thompson wrote:

> Howdy, List.
> Jonkheer Eloy Druan and I were discussing documentation for  
> require_framework on the rubycocoa-talk list. The brunt of the  
> conversation was my asking if there was any documentation and his  
> telling me that there wasn't any, but, if I wanted to, I could look  
> at the code and write some.
> So I did :-P
> THEN he asked me to post it to this list. So here I go.
> Please find attached two files. The first is  
> require_framework_doc.rtf. This document is an RTF (TextEdit)  
> document that is intended to find it's way to the http://rubycocoa.sourceforge.net/Documentation 
>  page. The second, require_framework.rdoc.rb is a stub ruby file  
> with an RDoc-style comment that is intended to be copied and pasted  
> into the source above the definition of require_framework.
> My next task is to take the rtf file and rework it to use wikka  
> style markup so it can be more easily posted on the web site.  
> However, I would like to ask the folks here to review the  
> documentation and let me know if it is inaccurate, incomplete, or if  
> there are unclear sections. Constructive criticism is most welcome.
> If you don't want to reply to the list, you may send your feedback  
> directly to me at easco at mac dot com.
> Thanks!
> Scott Thompson
> <require_framework.rdoc.rb>{\rtf1\ansi 
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> \f0\fs26 \cf0 This article discusses the functionality of the  
> RubyCocoa
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  method. This method allows an application to load a Mac OS X  
> framework and makes that framework's entry points and constants  
> available through the OSX module. \
> \
> For more information on Frameworks on Mac OS X, please see the \ul  
> Framework Programming Guide\ulnone  [http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFrameworks/Frameworks.html 
> ]
> \
> \pard\pardeftab720\sl400
> \cf0 \
> \b Loading Frameworks with
> \f2 OSX.require_framework
> \f0\b0
> \
> \
> The
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  method in the
> \f1 OSX
> \f0  module gives RubyCocoa applications a mechanism for loading  
> frameworks into memory and including Ruby entry points for their  
> symbols in that module. From the perspective of the Ruby  
> application, the effect is very similar to that of using a Ruby's  
> include statement to include the instance methods one module into  
> another.\
> \
> Like the Ruby method
> \f1 Kernel#require
> \f0 , the
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  method takes a single argument. That argument is a string that  
> defines which framework the routine should import. Fundamentally,  
> the string represents the file system path to the framework you want  
> to load. In typical Ruby fashion, however, there is some flexibility  
> built into the
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  that makes it easy to bring in common frameworks. Both the  
> fundamental and more convenient mechanisms are worth a further look.\
> \
> \b The Fundamental Case\
> \
> \b0 The simplest parameter to
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  is an absolute file system path to the framework it should  
> load. A common example is presented in Apple's developer  
> documentation in the context of a RubyCocoa application that wants  
> to take advantage of the Scripting Bridge in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.  
> In this case, a Ruby application can provide a full path to the  
> operating system's
> \f1 ScriptingBridge.framework
> \f0 .
> \f1 Here is an example:
> \f0 \
> \
> \f1 OSX.require_framework '/System/Library/Frameworks/ 
> ScriptingBridge.framework'\
> \
> \f0 After executing this line, if the load is successful, the
> \f1 OSX
> \f0  module will include the classes, functions, and constants of  
> the Scripting Bridge Framework. For example, the
> \f1 OSX
> \f0  module would include the
> \f1 SBApplication
> \f0  class which bridges to the Objective-C class of the same name.  
> The application could continue by creating an instance of
> \f1 SBApplication
> \f0  to communicate with the application of their choice:\
> \
> \f1 safari_app =  
> OSX 
> ::SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier("com.apple.Safari")\
> safari_app.documents[0].URL = 'http://rubycocoa.sourceforge.net/HomePage' 
> \
> \
> \f0 This same technique could be used to load a custom framework  
> from anywhere within the file system. The RubyCocoa application  
> could use any of a variety of techniques to locate a framework and  
> then load that framework by using its full path.\
> \
> \b Built-in Conveniences\
> \
> \b0 Having to supply a full pathname to a framework every time can  
> be inconvenient.  Particularly when working with nested frameworks  
> like Apple's umbrella frameworks.  Fortunately
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  also supports some convenient shortcuts for common frameworks.  
> In taking advantage of those shortcuts, an application supplies the  
> name of a framework, and the
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  method will try to construct a full path to that framework  
> through a set of built-in framework search paths.  The method will  
> also recognize some special shortcuts to common frameworks found in  
> the system's umbrella frameworks.\
> \
> \ul Search Paths\ulnone \
> \
> You can pass require_framework the name of a framework without its  
> base directory. In this case, RubyCocoa will search a set of  
> directories looking for a framework with that name and try to load  
> the first instance of the framework that it finds.\
> \
> Two important paths that RubyCocoa will search are the Frameworks  
> folders in the user and system file system domains (For more  
> information on File System Domains and the Library Directory, please  
> see the \ul File System Overview\ulnone  [http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFileSystem/BPFileSystem.html 
> ]). Those two directories are:\
> \
> \f1 /System/Library/Frameworks\
> /Library/Frameworks
> \f0 \
> \
> A RubyCocoa application can add to these basic search paths by  
> defining the constant
> \f0  If provided, this constant should be an array of additional  
> directories that should be searched when looking for a framework.   
> For example:\
> \
> RUBYCOCOA_FRAMEWORK_PATHS = ["/Users/scott/MyCustomSoftware/ 
> Frameworks"]\
> OSX.require_framework 'HandyCustomFramework.framework'\
> \
> Can be used to include a framework at the path:\
> \
> /Users/scott/MyCustomSoftware/Frameworks/ 
> HandyCustomFramework.framework\
> \
> In addition, if you are running RubyCocoa in an environment where  
> the environment variable
> \f1 HOME
> \f0  is defined, Ruby will also look in a framework and library  
> folder based at that directory.  For example, if the value of
> \f1 HOME
> \f0  is
> \f1 /Users/scott
> \f0  then Ruby will also search the directory:\
> \
> \f1 /Users/scott/Library/Frameworks
> \f0 \
> \
> If the framework to be loaded is in those directories then it is  
> sufficient to simply supply the framework name to
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0 . To return to the first example, Scripting Bridge framework can  
> be included simply with the line:\
> \
> \f1 OSX.require_framework 'ScriptingBridge.framework'\
> \
> \f0 In fact, if you leave off the "
> \f1 .framework
> \f0 " extension, the routine will add it for you. In short, the  
> statement:\
> \
> \f1 OSX.require_framework 'ScriptingBridge'\
> \
> \f0 will work just as well.  It is this last form that is most often  
> seen in code samples.\
> \
> \ul Umbrella Frameworks and Predefined Shortcuts\ulnone \
> \
> Mac OS X has the concept of an "Umbrella Framework". An umbrella  
> framework is a Mac OS X framework that contains other frameworks  
> (these contained frameworks are also called subframeworks). In  
> traditional Mac OS X development, an application could link to the  
> umbrella framework in order to import all the functionality of its  
> subframeworks.  In fact, it is possible for one umbrella framework  
> to contain subframeworks that are, themselves, umbrella frameworks.   
> One example of an umbrella framework in Leopard is the  
> ApplicationServices framework which contains, among others, the  
> ImageIO, ColorSync, and CoreGraphics frameworks. (for more  
> information on Umbrella Frameworks see the \ul Framework Programming  
> Guide\ulnone  [http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFrameworks/Concepts/FrameworkAnatomy.html 
> ])\
> \
> When
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  is asked to import an umbrella framework, it does NOT import  
> the subframeworks. Instead, the subframeworks of an umbrella  
> framework must be loaded explicitly.  That means that loading the
> \f1 ImageIO
> \f0  framework is done by a
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  statement like:\
> \
> \f1 OSX.require_framework '/System/Library/Frameworks/ 
> ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/Current/Frameworks/ 
> ImageIO.framework'\
> \f0 \
> Long path names like this can be tedious and
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  includes some convenient shortcuts for popular frameworks.  To  
> use a shortcut, you simply pass its name to
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0 .  The method will convert the shortcut passed in into the  
> common location for that framework as indicated by the following  
> table:\
> 	\
> 	\ul Shortcut name\ulnone 		\ul Framework path\ulnone \
> \pard\pardeftab720
> \f1 \cf2 	CoreGraphics		/System/Library/Frameworks/ 
> ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework\
> 	PDFKit			/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Frameworks/ 
> PDFKit.framework\
> 	QuartzComposer	/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/ 
> Frameworks/QuartzComposer.framework\
> 	ImageKit			/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Frameworks/ 
> ImageKit.framework
> \f0 \
> \cf0 \
> \pard\pardeftab720\sl400\ql\qnatural
> \cf0 \ul \ulc0 Search Order\
> \
> \pard\pardeftab720\sl400\ql\qnatural
> \cf0 \ulnone When using the convenience routines to load frameworks,  
> the order in which the
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  traverses the search paths and the shortcuts can be significant.
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  searches for frameworks using the following rules:\
> \
> 1. If the routine is passed a full path to a framework (and the  
> method assumes that any string passed to it which begins with the  
> directory separator character '/' is a full path to a framework) then
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  will try to load that framework explicitly.\
> 2. If one of the shortcuts for the subframeworks listed above is  
> given, then the computer will load the corresponding system  
> framework.\
> 3. If none of these other criteria is met, the routine searches the  
> framework directory paths in this order:\
> \
> 	a.
> \f1 /System/Library/Frameworks
> \f0 \
> 	b.
> \f1 /Library/Frameworks
> \f0 \
> 	c.\'a0The paths specified by the
> \f0  constant, if it is defined\
> 	d.\'a0The path specified by the
> \f1 HOME
> \f0  environment variable, if it is defined\
> \
> \i Note: The File System Overview documentation, in the section on  
> Searching Within the File-System Domains
> \i0 [http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFileSystem/Articles/Domains.html 
> ]
> \i  recommends searching the domain paths by starting with the user  
> domain, then the local domain, and finally the user domain.
> \f1\i0 require_framework
> \f0\i  searches these paths in the exact opposite order and inserts  
> the RUBYCOCOA_FRAMEWORK_PATHS in-between the local and user domains.
> \i0 \
> \
> \pard\pardeftab720\sl400\ql\qnatural
> \b \cf0 Return Value and Exceptions\
> \
> \pard\pardeftab720\sl400\ql\qnatural
> \b0 \cf0 If
> \f1 require_framework
> \f0  successfully loads a framework, it returns
> \f1 true
> \f0 .  If asked to _______________________________________________
> Rubycocoa-devel mailing list
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> http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/listinfo/rubycocoa-devel

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