[Rubycocoa-devel 1038] new rb_nibtool

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Laurent Sansonetti lsans****@apple*****
Fri Jun 29 20:23:42 JST 2007


Yesterday I committed some important changes in rb_nibtool.rb.

When starting, rb_nibtool will try to require the RubyNode library  
(which is +- an interface to the Ruby parser) and use it to parse the  
given Ruby source code file to get the IB classes, actions and outlets.

If RubyNode cannot be found, rb_nibtool will behave as before, and get  
the IB information by source code evaluation (requiring the given Ruby  
source code file). So installing RubyNode is optional.

If you want to try the new RubyNode support:

   sudo gem install rubynode

Using the RubyNode support is better because there is no code  
evaluation anymore, which is more secure, most robust (unfound  
libraries and symbols are just ignored) and faster.

I also adapted rb_nibtool to accept '-' as an input path (which will  
read on /dev/stdin), and to return the plist as XML and not the old  
syntax anymore.


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