[Rubycocoa-devel 576] Re: Cocoa rdoc

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Eloy Duran eloy.****@gmail*****
Sun Jan 7 02:14:53 JST 2007

Here's a little update....

On 1/6/07, Eloy Duran <eloy.****@gmail*****> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Here's a script I started on that parses an reference.html file from
> the apple docs.
> There's still lot's of work to be done, but the first results look promising.
> So I decided to mail it to the list, because together we might be able to
> fix the bugs faster..... :)
> At the moment it only tries to parse methods,
> so any notification etc will be tried to be handled as a method
> which should of course still be fixed.
> Also there's no difference between a class and a instance method.
> But these should be simple to fix...
> One thing I was unable to figure out on this waaaaay to late hour of the day,
> is a problem with some of the "Availability" sections.
> As you can see in the output of the script, some of the methods
> get the correct availability but some give some problems.
> E.g. if you parse the NSView ref (which is the one it tries by default),
> in the allocateGState method the text in the availability section isn't correct.
> The text is part of the discussion, but this happens because the discussion
> section contains multiple paragraphs ('p' tags).
> And probably lots of more stuff that I forgot about right now....
> Download:
> http://www.superalloy.nl/files/docs.zip
> Requirement:
> Hpricot
> Usage:
> $ruby parse_docs.rb > output.rb
> $rdoc output.rb
> Cheers,
> Eloy
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