[Rubycocoa-devel 773] Re: RubyCocoa 1.0 initialize/load API final spec (draft)

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Laurent Sansonetti lsans****@apple*****
Tue Feb 27 17:43:24 JST 2007

Note that we also have $BRIDGE_SUPPORT_PATH that will be read first  
when looking for bridge support files (before any other possible  

I will copy/format all of this into a text file :)


On Feb 27, 2007, at 1:24 AM, Fujimoto Hisa wrote:

> On 2007/02/27, at 5:40, Laurent Sansonetti wrote:
>> Hi Hisa-sensei,
>> This looks correct to me. Thanks for the detailed work, this might
>> help my company providing better documentation.
> Thanks!
> I forgot description about the load path. So add the following:
> Each of four api for initialization/loader adds
> `PATH_TO_RUBYCOCOA_FRAMEWORK/Resources/ruby' to the load path
> ($LOAD_PATH), after initialization of RubyCocoa and before
> load/evaluate a ruby program. So you should/can load RubyCocoa library
> completely by:
>   require "osx/cocoa"     # or "osx/foundation"
> in early part of your ruby program.
> Additionally, the path to the bundle resource directory
> `PATH_TO_BUNDLE/Resources' is added to the load path by the loader API
> except RBRubyCocoaInit. So you can load your ruby programs.
>> Laurent
>> On Feb 26, 2007, at 1:56 PM, Fujimoto Hisa wrote:
>>> hi guys
>>> I've committed implementation of the following initialize/load API
>>> spec for the RubyCocoa 1.0. Would you satisfactorily come to this
>>> API?
>>> I hope it's enough for you. Could you tell us if you have
>>> something of
>>> comment/idea about this. Notice we should freeze the api spec soon
>>> maybe.
>>> thanks
>>> --
>>> hisa
>>> url for the original written by Japanese (my native language):
>>> http://www.fobj.com/hisa/d/20070226.html#p01
>>> Summary for Initialize/Loading API (OBjective-C side)
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>>  * RBBundleInit      -- Ruby program loader for a bundle
>>>  * RBApplicationInit -- Ruby program loader for a command/
>>> application
>>>  * RBRubyCocoaInit   -- initialize only RubyCocoa (for
>>> compatibility)
>>>  * RBApplicationMain -- Ruby program loader for command/application
>>> (for compatibility)
>>> Summary for Initialize/Loading API (Ruby side)
>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>  * OSX.init_for_bundle   -- utility for initialize Ruby program
>>>  * OSX.require_framework -- loading framework
>>> RBBundleInit -- Ruby program loader for a bundle
>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>>  #import <RubyCocoa/RubyCocoa.h>
>>>  int RBBundleInit (const char* path_to_ruby_program,
>>>                    Class       objc_class,
>>>                    id          additional_param);
>>> Initialize Ruby and RubyCocoa, and then load Ruby program. Return
>>> 0 if
>>> success loading. The Ruby program is evaluated under the bundle  
>>> which
>>> is related with the objc_class; the mainBundle may be seleccted when
>>> the objc_class is nil. The additional_param is for arbitrary
>>> usage. It's passed for a block argument of OSX.init_for_bundle  
>>> (later
>>> mention).
>>> usage example:
>>>  @implementation MyBundle
>>>  + (void) load() {
>>>    RBBundleInit("my_ruby_loader.rb", self, nil);
>>>  }
>>>  @end
>>> RBApplicationInit -- Ruby program loader for a command/application
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>  #import <RubyCocoa/RubyCocoa.h>
>>>  int RBApplicationInit (const char* path_to_ruby_program,
>>>                         int         argc,
>>>                         const char* argv[],
>>>                         id          additional_param);
>>> This API is almost same as RBBundleInit. The Ruby program is
>>> evaluated
>>> under the mainBundle. The value of the argv[0] is set in $0 (global
>>> variable of Ruby). The array of values between argv[1] to argv
>>> [argc-1]
>>> is set in ARGV.
>>> usage example:
>>>  int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
>>>    RBApplicationInit("my_ruby_loader.rb", argc, argv, nil);
>>>    return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
>>>  }
>>> RBRubyCocoaInit (for compatibility)
>>> -----------------------------------
>>>  #import <RubyCocoa/RubyCocoa.h>
>>>  void RBRubyCocoaInit();
>>> Initialize RubyCocoa on assuming that initialization for ruby is
>>> done. This API is for compatibility. Using this may be rare.
>>> RBApplicationMain (for compatibility)
>>> -------------------------------------
>>>  #import <RubyCocoa/RubyCocoa.h>
>>>  int
>>>  RBApplicationMain (const char* path_to_ruby_program,
>>>                     int         argc,
>>>                     const char* argv[]);
>>> Initialize Ruby and RubyCocoa, and then load Ruby program. Return 0
>>> always. The Ruby program is evaluated under the mainBundle. argc and
>>> argv are parsed by the parser same as the ruby command named
>>> ruby_options. This API is for compatibility. The spec will be  
>>> changed
>>> in the future.
>>> OSX.init_for_bundle   -- utility for initialize Ruby program
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>  require 'osx/cocoa'
>>>  OSX.init_for_bundle { |bundle, additional_param, logger| ... }
>>> Run the ruby program in the given block. When using this method in
>>> the
>>> Ruby program which is passed for RBBundleInit or RBApplicationInit,
>>> related bundle and additional_param passed as the block arguments.
>>> the logger is the simple logger for NSLog which has two methods:
>>>  logger.info(fmt, *args)
>>>  logger.error(err)
>>> usage example:
>>>  require 'osx/cocoa'
>>>  OSX.init_for_bundle do |bundle, param, logger|
>>>    require 'MyController'
>>>    OSX::NSBundle.
>>>      objc_send :loadNibNamed, 'MyView.nib',
>>>                :owner,        MyController.alloc.init
>>>    logger.info("done.")
>>>  end
>>> OSX.require_framework -- loading framework
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>>  require 'osx/cocoa'
>>>  OSX.require_framework FRAMEWORK
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