[Rubycocoa-devel 751] Re: auto-objc_export for Informal Protocol methods

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Laurent Sansonetti lsans****@apple*****
Sun Feb 18 20:13:37 JST 2007

Hi Kimura-san, Hisa-san,

On Feb 18, 2007, at 7:49 AM, Fujimoto Hisa wrote:

> On 2007/02/18, at 13:28, Fujimoto Hisa wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> On 2007/02/18, at 11:29, kimura wataru wrote:
>>> On Sat, 17 Feb 2007 17:35:43 +0100, Laurent Sansonetti wrote:
>>>> Hi Kimura-san,
>>>> This looks good, however why would this be needed in reality?
>>>> Normally you don't have to objc_export the informal protocol  
>>>> methods
>>>> as RubyCocoa will handle this in RBObject. From the Objective-C
>>>> runtime it doesn't matter if the informal protocol method is
>>>> objc_exported or not.
>>> Thanks Laurent, you are just right. It's my misunderstanding.
>>> I talked with hisa that sample/Fortune.wdgt requires objc_export for
>>> informal protocols. We thought this feature will solve the problem,
>>> but not.
>>> Now, I found the cause of the problem.
>>> RubyCocoa do not load bridge support files when its framework
>>> (NSBundle)
>>> are already loaded.
>>> Fortune.wdgt:
>>>  * WebKit.framework are loaded by Dashboard
>>>  -> RubyCocoa don't load WebKit.bridgesupport
>>>  -> RubyCocoa cannot handle the WebScripting informal protocol
>>> .bundle
>>>  * AppKit.framework are loaded by a host application
>>>  -> RubyCocoa don't load AppKit.bridgesupport
>>>  -> RubyCocoa cannot find NSApp, NSRunAlertPanel,..
>>> I'll try to fix this.
>> I talked about it with Kimura-san while ago.
>> I've fix this issue to modify around require_framework of
>> oc_import.rb. I'll commit it soon, after testing a bit.
> i've committed this into the apple-unstable.

I see the problem, thanks! Sorry I couldn't investigate the problem  
myself :(

I modified a bit the fix (and also fixed it so that you can include  
OSX and then do require_framework without any problem). And I added 2  
test cases in tc_bs.rb.


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