[Rubycocoa-devel 524] Re: apple-unstable notes

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Eloy Duran eloy.****@gmail*****
Sun Dec 24 04:16:02 JST 2006

"For the moment, even we are still heavily working on it, the new code
base is barely functional and sometimes even more reliable than the
stable release. So you are graciously invited to test it and report
any problem you would find."

- What do you mean by "barely functional"? If my english is correct, this states
that it does almost nothing....??

"RubyCocoa allows you to omit the final underscore character when
dispatching a message from Ruby to Objective-C. This is still
supported, though this is no longer permitted if the
OSX.related_syntax variable is set to false (which is set to true by
p OSX.related_syntax                # -> true
OSX::Array.arrayWithObject('foo')   # OK
OSX.relaxed_syntax = false
OSX::Array.arrayWithObject('foo')   # Exception!
OSX::Array.arrayWithObject_('foo')  # OK"

- I think you mean relaxed_syntax and not related_syntax.

"OSX::NSURL.alloc.initWithScheme('http', :host, 'www.apple.com',
:path, '/macosx')  # BAD
OSX::NSURL.alloc.initWithScheme_host_path('http', 'www.apple.com',
'/macosx')      # GOOD"

- I did't even know this syntax was possible. It does look nice though,
I suppose this was done by some metacode which creates a too big of an impact?

A little bit of colour would be nice, but that ain't my speciality and it's not
necessary at this point. But it would be nice though :)

Other than that great work.

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