Laurent Sansonetti
Thu Dec 21 04:11:57 JST 2006
Hi all, Following Eloy's announcement, I'm also looking for testers, but this time for the apple-unstable branch :) I would like to make a first release for christmas. If you have some time, here is what you can do: 1/ Make sure it builds successfully. Please report any strange warnings you would find. 2/ Make sure all the tests are passing. 3/ Try the new samples (RubyCGPDFViewer, RubyCIBevelSample, RubyCIExposureSample, RubyCIMicroPaint, RubyCITransitionSelector, RubyCocoaGL, RubyPDFKitViewer and RubyQTKitSimpleDocument), make sure they build and run successfully I am going to setup a small web page describing the changes of this branch (compared to trunk) and generate a binary installer. Thanks, Laurent