[Rubycocoa-devel 339] Re: Xcode project updates

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Jonathan Paisley jp-ww****@dcs*****
Tue Aug 8 06:38:41 JST 2006

On 7 Aug 2006, at 22:10, kimura wataru wrote:

> Hi,
> The OmniGroup's OmniFrameworks have some configuration files.
> I think these are good samples.
> http://www.omnigroup.com/developer/sourcecode/

Those look good.

So far I've extracted the build settings into a generated .xcconfig  

   HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = %%%ruby_header_dir%%%
   LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = %%%libruby_path_dirname%%%
   OTHER_LDFLAGS = %%%other_ldflags%%%
   OTHER_CFLAGS = %%%other_cflags%%%

Unfortunately, I've come up against an issue with the 'framework- 
name' install.rb configuration option. I don't think it's possible to  
support it in the current way without resorting to the autogenerated  

Instead, I'm thinking about switching back to hardcoded framework  
name of RubyCocoa. If there is demand for different framework names  
then it shouldn't be too hard to write a script to rename things post- 


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