[Rubycocoa-devel 331] Re: crash in simple cocoa bindings tutorial

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Tim Burks tim****@neont*****
Mon Aug 7 06:47:41 JST 2006


When you checked this, did you use a locally-built ruby (/usr/local/ 
bin/ruby) or 10.4's /usr/bin/ruby?

Just as you pointed out, when I run my example with the dmg version  
(which I believe uses /usr/bin/ruby), it has no problems.  But when I  
rebuild RubyCocoa from the latest CVS sources (with my local  
ruby-1.8.4 build), I get this crash again.  I thought I had caused  
the problem by hacking around in RubyCocoa, but it appears to be  
something else.


On Aug 6, 2006, at 2:23 PM, Jonathan Paisley wrote:

> On 6 Aug 2006, at 15:05, Tim Burks wrote:
>> Thanks for checking this -- it doesn't crash for me with the dmg  
>> version.  I'll see if I can reproduce the problem more reliably,  
>> but you can drop it for now.  Sorry for the confusion!
> No problem. :)

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