[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - Gtk::IconFactory

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2014年 6月 16日 (月) 14:40:05 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/hiki.cgi?Gtk%3A%3AIconFactory
@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
-= class Gtk::IconFactory
+= Gtk::IconFactory クラス
 Browse the available stock icons in the list of stock IDs found ((<here|Gtk::Stock>)). You can also use the gtk-demo application for this purpose.
 An icon factory manages a collection of Gtk::IconSet; a Gtk::IconSet manages a set of variants of a particular icon (i.e. a Gtk::IconSet contains variants for different sizes and widget states). Icons in an icon factory are named by a stock ID, which is a simple string identifying the icon. Each Gtk::Style has a list of Gtk::IconFactory derived from the current theme; those icon factories are consulted first when searching for an icon. If the theme doesn't set a particular icon, GTK+ looks for the icon in a list of default icon factories, maintained by Gtk::IconFactor#add_default and Gtk::IconFactor#remove_default. Applications with icons should add a default icon factory with their icons, which will allow themes to override the icons for the application.
 To display an icon, always use Gtk::Style#lookup_icon_set on the widget that will display the icon, or the convenience function Gtk::Widget#render_icon. These functions take the theme into account when looking up the icon to use for a given stock ID.
-== Object Hierarchy
+== オブジェクト階層
 * Object
   * GLib::Instantiatable
     * GLib::Object
       * Gtk::IconFactory
-== Class Methods
+== インクルードされているモジュール
+* Gtk::Buildable
+* GLib::Interface
+== クラスメソッド
 --- Gtk::IconFactory.new
     Creates a new Gtk::IconFactory. An icon factory manages a collection of icon sets(Gtk::IconSet); a Gtk::IconSet manages a set of variants of a particular icon (i.e. a Gtk::IconSet contains variants for different sizes and widget states). Icons in an icon factory are named by a stock ID, which is a simple string identifying the icon. Each Gtk::Style has a list of icon factories derived from the current theme; those icon factories are consulted first when searching for an icon. If the theme doesn't set a particular icon, GTK+ looks for the icon in a list of default icon factories, maintained by Gtk::IconFactory#add_default and Gtk::IconFactory#remove_default. Applications with icons should add a default icon factory with their icons, which will allow themes to override the icons for the application.
     * Returns: a new Gtk::IconFactory.
@@ -21,7 +26,12 @@
     * stock_id: an icon name(String)
     * Returns: a Gtk::IconSet, or nil 
-== Instance Methods
+== インスタンスメソッド
 --- add(stock_id, icon_set)
     Adds the given icon_set to the icon factory, under the name stock_id. stock_id should be namespaced for your application, e.g. "myapp-whatever-icon". Normally applications create a Gtk::IconFactory, then add it to the list of default factories with Gtk::IconFactory#add_default. Then they pass the stock_id to widgets such as Gtk::Image to display the icon. Themes can provide an icon with the same name (such as "myapp-whatever-icon") to override your application's default icons. If an icon already existed in factory for stock_id, it is unreferenced and replaced with the new icon_set.
     * stock_id: icon name(String)
@@ -41,8 +46,14 @@
     Removes the icon factory from the list of default icon factories. Not normally used; you might use it for a library that can be unloaded or shut down.
     * Returns: self
-== See Also
+== 関連ページ
 Gtk::IconSet, Gtk::IconSize, Gtk::IconSource
-- ((<Masao>))
+== 更新履歴
+* 2014-06-16 インクルードされているモジュールの項目を追加。 - ((<きたがわ>))
+* - ((<Masao>))

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