[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-mnstbs-statb

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 10月 27日 (土) 10:00:17 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-mnstbs-statb
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
-The((*enter_notify_event*))signal in our example program here is handled by the 'statusbar_hint' method. The handler receives Gdk::Event object as a parameter which is used to identify whether the cursor entered the menu item (Gdk::Event::ENTER_NOTIFY) or is on its way out (see: Gdk::Event::GdkEventType). We can use this information to, for as long as the cursor is hovering above the menu item, display the description of the menu selection in the status bar, by pushing the message on the status bar stack, hence hiding, for the time being, whatever was displayed there before the cursor entered the menu item. When the cursor leaves the menu item area, the((*enter_notify_event*))signal is emitted again, however this time carrying Gdk::Event::LEAVE_NOTIFY flag with it, so we pop-off the stack the message we pushed on it when the cursor appeared above our menu item, which finally restores whatever message was on the status bar stack before the two consecutive ((*enter_notify_even
 t*))signal emissions.
+The((*enter_notify_event*))signal in our example program here is handled by the 'statusbar_hint' method. The handler receives Gdk::Event object as a parameter which is used to identify whether the cursor entered the menu item (Gdk::Event::ENTER_NOTIFY) or is on its way out (see: Gdk::Event::GdkEventType). We can use this information to, for as long as the cursor is hovering above the menu item, display the description of the menu selection in the status bar, by pushing our menu item description message on the status bar stack, hence hiding, for the time being, whatever was displayed there before the cursor entered the menu item. When the cursor leaves the menu item area, the((*enter_notify_event*))signal is emitted again, however this time carrying Gdk::Event::LEAVE_NOTIFY flag with it, so we pop-off the stack the message we pushed on it when the cursor appeared above our menu item, which finally restores whatever message was on the status bar stack before the two consecutiv
 e ((*enter_notify_event*))signal emissions.

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