[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-mnstbs-tb

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 11月 19日 (月) 05:18:41 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-mnstbs-tb
@@ -96,8 +96,19 @@
-It is also possible to add menus and sub-menu's as toolbar items, as well as you can implement tear offs. However, notice that menu items emit a different signal((*'activate'*))than tool-menu items((*'clicked'*))when clicked. Following is expanded example program including the menu toolbar item with the language sub-menu, you already saw in previous section. In addition to the toolbar menu item, we also included two Gtk::ToolButton objects with user supplied icon image. The image can be passed to the Gtk::ToolButton constructor as an((*image file*))or as a((*pixbuf.*))Our 'toolbar-item-menu.rb' example shows both of these two ways of supplying image objects to the toolbar item constructor. Note also our custom the menu toolbar item called 'My Stuff' includes the tear-off menu item:
+It is also possible to add menus and sub-menu's as toolbar items, as well as you can implement tear offs. However, notice that menu items emit a different signal((*'activate'*))than tool-menu items((*'clicked'*))when clicked. Following is expanded example program including the menu toolbar item with the language sub-menu, you already saw in previous section. In addition to the toolbar menu item, we also included two Gtk::ToolButton objects with user supplied icon image. 
+{{image_left("gnu-baby-32x32.jpg")}}{{image_left("gnu-head-42x42.jpg")}} For your convenience I have included the two images here on the left. Their names are 'gnu-baby-32x32.jpg' and 'gnu-head-42x42.jpg' respectively. You should copy these image files into the directory, where you plan to run our 'toolbar-item-menu.rb' program example.
+The image can be passed to the Gtk::ToolButton constructor as an((*image file*))or as a((*pixbuf.*))Our 'toolbar-item-menu.rb' example shows both of these two ways of supplying image objects to the toolbar item constructor. 
+Note also our custom toolbar menu under 'Preferences' includes the tear-off menu item shown here on the image on the left.
  #!/usr/bin/env ruby
@@ -248,138 +259,18 @@
-Following is the entire program:
- #!/usr/bin/env ruby
- require 'gtk2'
- # Create a toolbar with Cut, Copy, Paste and Select All
- # toolbar items.
- def create_toolbar(tb, ent)
-   cut       = Gtk::ToolButton.new(Gtk::Stock::CUT)
-   copy      = Gtk::ToolButton.new(Gtk::Stock::COPY)
-   paste     = Gtk::ToolButton.new(Gtk::Stock::PASTE)
-   selectall = Gtk::ToolButton.new(Gtk::Stock::SELECT_ALL)
-   separator = Gtk::SeparatorToolItem.new
-   mytb_menu = Gtk::MenuToolButton.new(Gtk::Stock::PREFERENCES)
-   # To be sure file exists use more elaborate check making the bixbuf
-   pixbuf = get_pixbuf_if_file_exists("gnu-baby-32x32.jpg")
-   my_stuff  = Gtk::ToolButton.new(icon_widget=Gtk::Image.new(pixbuf), label="My Stuff")
-   # or if you are sure you you really have the image file:
-   my_stuff1 = Gtk::ToolButton.new(icon_widget=Gtk::Image.new("gnu-head-42x42.jpg"), label="My Stuff-1")
-   # use Gtk::Widget#tooltip_text= instead of deprecated Gtk::Toolbar 
-   # methods utilizing deprecated Gtk::Tooltips class!
-   mytb_menu.tooltip_text = "Demonstrate that menus with submenus work."
-   cut.tooltip_text   = "Cut saves the selected text in the clipboard,\n" +
-                        "and removes it from the editable widget," 
-   copy.tooltip_text  = "Copy saves the selected text in the clipboard."
-   paste.tooltip_text = "Paste retrieves last text saved in the clipboard\n" +
-                        "and places it at the cursor position in the edit field."
-   selectall.tooltip_text = "Select all the text in the edit field."
-   tb.show_arrow = true
-   tb.toolbar_style = Gtk::Toolbar::Style::BOTH
-   tb.insert(0, mytb_menu)
-   tb.insert(1, my_stuff)
-   tb.insert(2, cut)
-   tb.insert(3, copy)
-   tb.insert(4, paste)
-   tb.insert(5, separator)
-   tb.insert(6, selectall)
-   tb.insert(7, my_stuff1)
-   cut.signal_connect('clicked')       { ent.cut_clipboard; p "Cut" }
-   copy.signal_connect('clicked')      { ent.copy_clipboard; p "Copy" }
-   paste.signal_connect('clicked')     { ent.paste_clipboard; p "Paste" }
-   # Select all of the text in the editable (Gtk::Editable#select_region)
-   selectall.signal_connect('clicked') { ent.select_region(0, -1); p "Sel. All" }
-   my_stuff.signal_connect('clicked')  { p "My Stuff selected." }
-   my_stuff1.signal_connect('clicked')  { p "My Stuff-1 selected." }
-   menutearoff = Gtk::TearoffMenuItem.new
-   testi1 = Gtk::MenuItem.new("Test Item #1")
-   testi2 = Gtk::MenuItem.new("Test Item #2")
-   testi3 = Gtk::MenuItem.new("Test Item #3")
-   langi  = Gtk::MenuItem.new("Languages")
-   testi1.signal_connect('activate') { |w| puts "w=#{w.class}:Test Item-1 selected" }
-   testi2.signal_connect('activate') { |w| puts "w=#{w.class}:Test Item-2 selected" }
-   testi3.signal_connect('activate') { |w| puts "w=#{w.class}:Test Item-3 selected" }
-   # Create Test Menu
-   testmenu = Gtk::Menu.new
-   testmenu.append(menutearoff)
-   testmenu.append(testi1)
-   testmenu.append(testi2)
-   testmenu.append(testi3)
-   testmenu.append(langi)
-   langmenu = Gtk::Menu.new
-   langi.submenu = langmenu
-   english = Gtk::MenuItem.new("English")
-   french  = Gtk::MenuItem.new("French")
-   german  = Gtk::MenuItem.new("German")
-   russian = Gtk::MenuItem.new("Russian")
-   italian = Gtk::MenuItem.new("Italian")
-   langmenu.append(english)
-   langmenu.append(french)
-   langmenu.append(german)
-   langmenu.append(russian)
-   langmenu.append(italian)
-   english.signal_connect('activate') { |w| puts "w=#{w.class}:English selected" }
-   french.signal_connect('activate')  { |w| puts "w=#{w.class}:French selected" }
-   german.signal_connect('activate')  { |w| puts "w=#{w.class}:German selected" }
-   russian.signal_connect('activate') { |w| puts "w=#{w.class}:Russian selected" }
-   italian.signal_connect('activate') { |w| puts "w=#{w.class}:Italian selected" }
-   testmenu.show_all
-   mytb_menu.menu = testmenu
- end
- # Turn image file into pixbuf, and return nil in case of file error.
- def get_pixbuf_if_file_exists(file)
-   begin
-     pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf.new(file)
-     rescue GLib::FileError => err
-       print "I/O ERROR (%s): %s\n" % [err.class, err]
-       pixbuf = nil
-   end
-   pixbuf
- end
- window = Gtk::Window.new("Toolbars (orientation)")
- window.resizable = true
- window.border_width = 10
- window.signal_connect('destroy') { Gtk.main_quit }
- window.set_size_request(250, -1)
- entry   = Gtk::Entry.new
- entry.set_size_request(100, -1)
- toolbar = Gtk::Toolbar.new
- create_toolbar(toolbar, entry)
- toolbar.orientation = Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL
- hbox = Gtk::HBox.new(false, 5)
- toolbar.set_size_request(50, 350)
- toolframe = Gtk::Frame.new("Tools")
- toolframe.add(toolbar)
- hbox.pack_start_defaults(toolframe)
- right_vbox =  Gtk::VBox.new(false, 5)
- emtyl = Gtk::Label.new
- right_vbox.pack_start(child=entry, expand=false, fill=false, padding=5)
- right_vbox.pack_start(child=emtyl, expand=true,  fill=true,  padding=5)
- hbox.pack_start_defaults(right_vbox)
- window.add(hbox)
- window.show_all
- Gtk.main
+=== Dragging And Dropping Tool Bars

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