[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-treev-addrnhs

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 8月 26日 (日) 06:57:05 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-treev-addrnhs
@@ -379,10 +379,6 @@
                  # Returns: true if iter is advanced, false otherwise.
        end while iter.next!
-       # Convert the category iterator to a path so that it will not
-       # become invalid and add the new product as a child of the category.
-       path = iter.path
        child = model.append(iter)
        # child[BUY_INDEX]=buy # same as: model.set_value(child, BUY_INDEX, buy)
@@ -392,7 +388,2 @@
        # Add the quantity to the running total if it is to be purchased.
        if buy
-         iter = model.get_iter(path)
          qty_value = iter[QTY_INDEX]
          qty_value += quantity
          iter[QTY_INDEX] = qty_value

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