[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - Gtk::Assistant

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2009年 10月 23日 (金) 09:26:49 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?Gtk%3A%3AAssistant
TITLE       = PSpNqBHlqLar -> Gtk::Assistant
KEYWORD     = They need to be able to last the life of the car:  15 years of deep-cycling. , -> 
@@ -1 +1,396 @@
-They need to be able to last the life of the car:  15 years of deep-cycling. , 
+= class Gtk::Assistant
+A Gtk::Assistant is a widget used to represent a generally complex
+operation splitted in several steps, guiding the user through its
+pages and controlling the page flow to collect the necessary
+data. ((*Since 2.10*))
+== Object Hierarchy
+* Object
+  * GLib::Instantiatable
+    * GLib::Object
+      * GLib::InitiallyUnowned
+        * Gtk::Object
+          * Gtk::Widget
+            * Gtk::Container
+              * Gtk::Bin
+                * Gtk::Window
+                  * Gtk::Assistant
+== Class Methods
+--- Gtk::Assistant.new
+    Creates a new Gtk::Assistant.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * Returns: a new Gtk::Assistant
+== Instance Methods
+--- current_page
+    Returns the page number of the current page.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * Returns: The index (starting from 0) of the current page in
+      the assistant, if the assistant has no pages, -1 will be
+      returned.
+--- current_page=(page_num)
+    Switches the page to page_num. Note that this will only be
+    necessary in custom buttons, as the assistant flow can be set
+    with Gtk::Assistant#set_forward_page_func.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page_num: index of the page to switch to, starting from 0.
+      If negative, the last page will be used. If greater than
+      the number of pages in the assistant, nothing will be done.
+    * Returns: page_num
+--- n_pages
+    Returns the number of pages in the assistant.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * Returns: The number of pages in the assistant.
+--- get_nth_page(page_num)
+    Returns the child widget contained in page number page_num.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page_num: The index of a page in the assistant, or -1 to
+      get the last page;
+    * Returns: The child widget, or nil if page_num is out of
+      bounds.
+--- prepend_page(page)
+    Prepends a page to the assistant.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a Gtk::Widget
+    * Returns: the index (starting at 0) of the inserted page
+--- append_page(page)
+    Appends a page to the assistant.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a Gtk::Widget
+    * Returns: the index (starting at 0) of the inserted page
+--- insert_page(page, position)
+    Inserts a page in the assistant at a given position.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a Gtk::Widget
+    * position: the index (starting at 0) at which to insert the
+      page, or -1 to append the page to the assistant
+    * Returns: the index (starting from 0) of the inserted page
+--- set_forward_page_func{|current_page| ...}
+    Sets the page forwarding method to be block, this
+    method will be used to determine what will be the next page
+    when the user presses the forward button. Setting page_func
+    to nil will make the assistant to use the default forward
+    function, which just goes to the next visible page.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * {|current_page| ... }: the page forwarding block
+      * current_page: passed argument is the page number used to calculate the next page
+      * Returns: the next page number
+    * Returns: self
+--- set_page_type(page, type)
+    Sets the page type for the specified page. The page type
+    determines the page behavior in the assistant.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a page of assistant
+    * type: the new type for page (Gtk::Assistant#PageType)
+    * Returns: self
+--- get_page_type(page)
+    Gets the page type of the specified page.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a page of assistant (Gtk::Widget)
+    * Returns: the page type of page (Gtk::Assistant#PageType)
+--- set_page_title(page, title)
+    Sets a title for the specified page. The title is displayed in the header
+    area of the assistant when page is the current page.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a page of assistant (Gtk::Widget)
+    * title: the new title for page (String)
+    * Returns: self
+--- get_page_title(page)
+    Gets the title for the specified page.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a page of assistant (Gtk::Widget)
+    * Returns: the title for page
+--- set_page_header_image(page, pixbuf)
+    Sets a header image for the specified page. This image is
+    displayed in the header area of the assistant when page is
+    the current page.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a page of assistant (Gtk::Widget)
+    * pixbuf: the new header image page (Gdk::Pixbuf)
+    * Returns: self
+--- get_page_header_image(page)
+    Gets the header image for the specified page.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a page of assistant (Gtk::Widget)
+    * Returns: the header image for page (Gdk::Pixbuf), or nil if there's no
+      header image for the page.
+--- set_page_side_image(page, pixbuf)
+    Sets a header image for the specified page. This image is
+    displayed in the side area of the assistant when page is the
+    current page.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a page of assistant (Gtk::Widget)
+    * pixbuf: the new header image page (Gdk::Pixbuf)
+    * Returns: self
+--- get_page_side_image(page)
+    Gets the header image for the specified page.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a page of assistant (Gtk::Widget)
+    * Returns: the side image for page (Gdk::Pixbuf), or nil if there's no side
+      image for the page.
+--- set_page_complete(page, complete)
+    Sets whether specified page contents are complete. This will
+    make assistant update the buttons state to be able to
+    continue the task.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a page of assistant (Gtk::Widget)
+    * complete:        the completeness status of the page (true or false)
+    * Returns: self
+--- get_page_complete(page)
+    Gets whether page is complete.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: a page of assistant (Gtk::Widget)
+    * Returns: true if page is complete, otherwise false
+--- add_action_widget(child)
+    Adds a widget to the action area of the assistant.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * child: a Gtk::Widget
+    * Returns: self
+--- remove_action_widget(child)
+    Removes a widget from the action area of the assistant.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * child: a Gtk::Widget
+    * Returns: self
+--- update_buttons_state
+    Forces assistant to recompute the buttons state.
+    GTK+ automatically takes care of this in most situations,
+    e.g. when the user goes to a different page, or when the
+    visibility or completeness of a page changes.
+    One situation where it can be necessary to call this function
+    is when changing a value on the current page affects the
+    future page flow of the assistant.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * Returns: self
+--- ref_accessible
+    See Atk::Implementor#ref_accessible.
+--- set_current_page
+     * Returns: self: ((*FIXME*))
+--- add_child
+    See Gtk::Buildable#add_child.
+--- construct_child
+    See Gtk::Buildable#construct_child.
+--- get_internal_child
+    See Gtk::Buildable#get_internal_child.
+--- name
+    See Gtk::Buildable#name.
+--- name=
+    See Gtk::Buildable#name=.
+--- set_buildable_property
+    See Gtk::Buildable#set_buildable_property.
+--- set_name
+    See Gtk::Buildable#set_name.
+== Constants
+=== PageType
+A value determining the page role inside the assistant. It's
+used to handle buttons sensitivity and visibility.
+Note that an assistant needs to end its page flow with a page
+of type Gtk::Assistant::PAGE_CONFIRM or
+Gtk::Assistant::PAGE_SUMMARY to be correct.
+    The page has regular contents.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    The page contains an introduction to the assistant task.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    The page lets the user confirm or deny the changes.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    The page informs the user of the changes done.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    Used for tasks that take a long time to complete, blocks the
+    assistant until the page is marked as complete.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+== Style Properties
+--- content-padding: Integer (Read)
+    Number of pixels around the content pages. ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * Allowed values: >= 0
+    * Default value: 1
+--- header-padding: Integer (Read)
+    Number of pixels around the header. ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * Allowed values: >= 0
+    * Default value: 6
+== Child Properties
+--- complete: true or false (Read/Write)
+    Whether all required fields on the page have been filled out ((*Since 2.10*))
+--- header-image: Gdk::Pixbuf (Read/Write)
+    Header image for the assistant page ((*Since 2.10*))
+--- page-type: Gtk::Assistant#PageType (Read/Write)
+    The type of the assistant page ((*Since 2.10*))
+--- sidebar-image: Gdk::Pixbuf (Read/Write)
+    Sidebar image for the assistant page ((*Since 2.10*))
+--- title: String (Read/Write)
+    The title of the assistant page ((*Since 2.10*))
+== Signals
+--- apply: self (run last)
+    The "apply" signal is emitted when the apply button is clicked.
+    The default behavior of the assistant is to switch to the
+    page after the current page, unless the current page is the
+    last one.
+    A handler for the "apply" signal should carry out the actions
+    for which the wizard has collected data. If the action takes
+    a long time to complete, you might consider to put a page of
+    type Gtk::Assistant::PAGE_PROGRESS after the confirmation page
+    and handle this operation within the "prepare" signal of the
+    progress page.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+--- cancel: self (run last)
+    The "cancel" signal is emitted when then the cancel button is
+    clicked.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+--- close: self (run last)
+    The "close" signal is emitted either when the close button of
+    a summary page is clicked, or when the apply button in the
+    last page in the flow (of type Gtk::Assistant::PAGE_CONFIRM)
+    is clicked.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+--- prepare: self, page (run last)
+    The "prepared" signal is emitted when a new page is set as
+    the assistant's current page, before making the new page
+    visible. A handler for this signal can do any preparation
+    which are necessary before showing page.
+    ((*Since 2.10*))
+    * page: the current page (Gtk::Widget)
+== See Also
+== ChangeLog
+* 2007-01-30: Updated. - ((<Masao>))
+* 2006-07-16: new widget binded and documented for 2.10. - ((<gc>))
+- ((<gc>))

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