[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] create - Gtk::RadioAction

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2005年 2月 9日 (水) 13:07:47 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp//?Gtk%3A%3ARadioAction
= class Gtk::RadioAction
A Gtk::RadioAction is similar to Gtk::RadioMenuItem. A number of radio actions can be linked together so that only one may be active at any one time. 

== Object Hierarchy
* Object
  * GLib::Instantiatable
    * GLib::Object
      * Gtk::Action
        * Gtk::ToggleAction
          * Gtk::RadioAction

== Class Methods
--- Gtk::RadioAction.new(name, label, tooltip, stock_id, value)
    Creates a new Gtk::RadioAction object. To add the action to a Gtk::ActionGroup and set the accelerator for the action, call Gtk::ActionGroup#add_action. ((* Since 2.4 *))
    * name: A unique name for the action  
    * label: The label displayed in menu items and on buttons  
    * tooltip: A tooltip for this action  
    * stock_id: The stock icon(Gtk::Stock constants) to display in widgets representing this action  
    * value: The value which Gtk::RadioAction#current_value should return if this action is selected.  
    * Returns: a new Gtk::RadioAction  

== Instance Methods
--- current_value
    Obtains the value property of the the currently active member of the group to which action belongs. ((* Since 2.4 *))
    * Returns: The value of the currently active group member

--- group
    Returns an Array of the ((<Gtk::RadioAction>))s in a group. ((* Since 2.4 *))
    * Returns: an Array of the ((<Gtk::RadioAction>))s
--- group=(group)
    Sets the radio action whose group this action belongs to. ((* Since 2.4 *))
    * group: The Gtk::RadioAction whose group this action belongs to.
    * Returns: group
--- set_group(group)
    Same as group=. ((* Since 2.4 *))
    * group: The Gtk::RadioAction whose group this action belongs to.
    * Returns: self

--- value
    Gets the value which Gtk::RadioAction#current_value should return if this action is selected. ((* Since 2.4 *))
    * Returns: The value which Gtk::RadioAction#current_value should return if this action is selected
--- value=(value)
    Sets the value which Gtk::RadioAction#current_value should return if this action is selected. ((* Since 2.4 *))
    * value: An Integer
    * Returns: value
--- set_value(value)
    Same as value=. ((* Since 2.4 *))
    * value: An Integer
    * Returns: self

== Properties
--- group: Gtk::RadioAction (Write)
    The radio action whose group this action belongs to. ((* Since 2.4 *))

--- value: Integer (Read/Write)
    The value returned by Gtk::RadioAction#current_value when this action is the current action of its group. ((* Since 2.4 *))

== Signals
--- changed: self
    The ::changed signal is emitted on every member of a radio group when the active member is changed. The signal gets emitted after the ::activate signals for the previous and current active members. ((* Since 2.4 *))
     * self: Gtk::RadioAction

== ChangeLog
* 2005-02-09 ((<Masao>)) Initial post.

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