[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] create - Gnome::PrintJob

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 10月 15日 (金) 18:13:36 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp//?Gnome%3A%3APrintJob
= class Gnome::PrintJob

== Class Methods

--- new(config=nil)
     Creats a new Gnome::PrintJob object.
     * Returns: the newly created object or nil. An error
       occured when this method returns nil.

== Instance Methods

--- context()
     * Returns: Gnome::PrintContext object of self.

--- config()
     * Returns: Gnome::PrintConfig object of self.

--- close()
     Closes job, ready for printing or previewing. You must
     call it before Gnome::PrintConfig#print. Raises
     Gnome::PrintError error if error occured.
     * Returns: true when not raised.

--- render(context)
     Renders printout to specified ((|context|)).
     * context: a Gnome::PrintContext object.
     * Returns: true when not raised.

--- render_page(context, page_number, send_beginpage_and_showpage)
     Renderes the specified page ((|page_number)).
     * context: a Gnome::PrintContext object.
     * page_number: a page number (e.g. 1).
     * send_beginpage_and_showpage: a boolean.
     * Returns: true when not raised.

--- pages()
     Find the number of pages stored in a completed
     printout. This is the number of physical pages, so if the
     layout can hold 4 pages per page, and 5 logical pages are
     printed (5 beginpage/endpage convinations) 2 is returned.
    (from API reference of libgnomeprint)
     * Returns: the number of pages, 0 on error.

--- page_size()
     * Returns: an array of width and height of page.

--- print_to_file(filename)
     Sets ((|filename|)) as output filename. Job sends output to other
     program if ((|filename|)) is started by "|". Job sends
     output to printer if ((|filename|)) is nil.
     * Returns: true when not raised.

== Constants
== See Also

- kou

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