[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gda::Row

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 1月 15日 (木) 03:09:06 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gda%3A%3ARow
  = class Gda::Row
  Accessing rows of Gda::DataModel.
  == Object Hierarchy
  * Object
    * GLib::Boxed
      * Gda::Row
  == Class Methods
  --- Gda::Row.new(model, *values)
      Creates a new row from a list of values.
      If you don't want to specify values, you can also build a row like this:
      	Gda::Row.new(model, 5)      # the model will hold 5 values
      * values: a list of Gda::Value object to compose the row.  
      * model: the Gda::DataModel this row belongs to. 
      * Returns: a newly created Gda::Row object.
  == Instance Methods
+ --- [](key)
+     Gets the value in the row indexed by the 'key' parameter.
+     If the 'key' parameter is a Fixnum, it will be used as an field index.
+     If the 'key' parameter is a String, it will be used as the column's name.
+     * key: field index or column name.  
+     * Returns: a Gda::Value object if successful, or nil if there was an error.
  --- each_value { |value| ... }
      Calls the block for each value this row has, passing a reference to a
      Gda::Value object as parameter.
      * Returns: always nil.
  --- get_value(colnum)
      Gets the value indexed in the row at the given position.
      * colnum: field index.  
      * Returns: a Gda::Value object if successful, or nil if there was an error.
  --- length
      This method returns the number of column the row has.
      * Returns: the number of column the row has.
  --- model
      Gets the model this row belongs to.
      * Returns: a Gda::DataModel object.
  --- number
      Gets the number of the given row, that is, its position in its containing
      data model.
      * Returns: the row number, or -1 if there was an error.
  --- number=(number)
      Sets the row number of the row.
      * number: the new row number.  
      * Returns: the given parameter 'number'.
  --- set_number(number)
      Sets the row number of the row.
      * number: the new row number.  
      * Returns: self.
  --- set_unique_id(unique_id)
      Assigns a new identifier to the given row. This method is usually called by
      * unique_id: new identifier for the row.  
      * Returns: self.
  --- size
      Synonym for Gda::Row#length.
      * Returns: the number of column the row has.
  --- unique_id
      Returns the unique identifier for this row. This identifier is assigned by
      the different providers, to uniquely identify rows returned to clients.
      If there is no ID, this means that the row has not been created by a
      provider, or that it the provider cannot identify it (ie, modifications to
      it won't take place into the database).
      * Returns: the unique identifier for this row.
  --- unique_id=(unique_id)
      Assigns a new identifier to the given row. This method is usually called by
      * unique_id: new identifier for the row.  
      * Returns: the given parameter 'unique_id'.
  --- values
      Gets a list of all values this row has.
      * Returns: an Array of Gda::Value objects.
  == See Also
  - ((<lrz>))

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