[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - tut-gst-elements-state

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 4月 1日 (木) 21:01:41 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/en/?tut-gst-elements-state
  = Element States
+ {{link("tut-gst-bins-ghost-pads", nil, "tut-gst", "tut-gst-helloworld")}}
  Here are the most important states of a Gst::Element:
   Reset the state of an element.
   Will make the element ready to start processing data.
   Temporary stops the data flow.
   Means there really is data flowing through the graph.
  The state of an element can be changed and retrieved with the following code:
   # Start playback
   bin.state = Gst::Element::STATE_PLAYING
   # Playing?
   if bin.state == Gst::Element::STATE_PLAYING
      # do some stuff here
  == Shortcuts
  For your convenience, the following shortcuts are available:
   bin.ready      # same as bin.state = Gst::Element::STATE_READY
   bin.play       # same as bin.state = Gst::Element::STATE_PLAYING
   bin.pause      # same as bin.state = Gst::Element::STATE_PAUSED
   bin.stop       # same as bin.state = Gst::Element::STATE_NULL
   bin.ready?     # checks if bin.state == Gst::Element::STATE_READY
   bin.playing?   # checks if bin.state == Gst::Element::STATE_PLAYING
   bin.paused?    # checks if bin.state == Gst::Element::STATE_PAUSED
   bin.stopped?   # checks if bin.state == Gst::Element::STATE_NULL

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