[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - tut-libgda-errors

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2003年 9月 29日 (月) 19:19:17 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?tut-libgda-errors
  = Managing errors
  You can manage errors using the Gda::Error class, and obtain objects with the method Gda::Connection#errors.
  A GDA error contains 4 distinct piece of information.
   A full description of the error. 
   Error's number.
   Error's source.
   SQL state.
  Here you can see an example of using this:
    def show_errors(conn)
        # Obtains errors list and loop for getting error information.
        conn.errors.each do |error|
            puts "Error no: #{error.number.to_s}"
            puts "Description: #{error.description}"
            puts "Source: #{error.source}"
            puts "SQL state: #{error.sqlstate}"
+ Usually, you can check errors when Gda::Connection query methods fail.  For instance:
+   # For Gda::Connection#execute_non_query:
+   if conn.execute_non_query(cmd) == -1
+       show_errors(conn)
+   end
+   # For Gda::Connection#execute_single_command:
+   ds = conn.execute_single_command(cmd)
+   if ds.nil?
+       show_errors(conn)
+   end
+   # For Gda::Connection#execute_command:
+   arr = conn.execute_command(cmd)
+   arr.each do |ds|
+       if ds.nil?
+           show_errors(conn)
+       end
+   end
+ Also, it is possible to be notified with a GLib signal when an error occurs:
+   conn.signal_connect('error') { show_errors(conn) }

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