[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Install Guide for Windows

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2003年 6月 4日 (水) 12:18:56 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Install+Guide+for+Windows
= Install Guide

== Windows (Under Construction)

=== Note

* The installation should be quick and easy. The minimum packages are ((<Ruby|URL:http://www.ruby-lang.org>)), ((<Ruby-GTK2|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sf.net>)) and GTK2 binaries for Windows from ((<Dropline|URL:http://www.dropline.net>)).
* The entire Ruby-GNOME2 package isn't supported on Windows yet, and may never be, as it requires GNOME 2.
* The versions of Windows are categorized in Win9X/ME and WinNT/2000/XP/2003.
* This installation process was tested with Ruby 1.8, but it should work with version 1.6 as well.

=== Steps

==== One

* Download ((<Ruby packaged by the Pragmatic Programmers|URL:http://rubyinstaller.sourceforge.net/>)). 
* ((<ruby180-9.exe|URL:http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/rubyinstaller/ruby180-9.exe?download>)) is recommended for this example. 

==== Two

* Download ((<Ruby-GTK2 binaries for Windows|URL:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=53614>)).
* ((<ruby-gtk2-0.4.0-1-i386-msvcrt-1.8.zip|URL:http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ruby-gnome2/ruby-gtk2-0.4.0-1-i386-msvcrt-1.8.zip?download>)) is recommended for this example.

= Install Guide

== Windows (Under Construction)

=== Note

* The installation should be quick and easy. The minimum packages are ((<Ruby|URL:http://www.ruby-lang.org>)), ((<Ruby-GTK2|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sf.net>)) and GTK2 binaries for Windows from ((<Dropline|URL:http://www.dropline.net>)).
* The entire Ruby-GNOME2 package isn't supported on Windows yet, and may never be, as it requires GNOME 2.
* The versions of Windows are categorized in Win9X/ME and WinNT/2000/XP/2003.
* This installation process was tested with Ruby 1.8, but it should work with version 1.6 as well.

=== Steps

==== One

* Download ((<Ruby packaged by the Pragmatic Programmers|URL:http://rubyinstaller.sourceforge.net/>)). 
* ((<ruby180-9.exe|URL:http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/rubyinstaller/ruby180-9.exe?download>)) is recommended for this example. 
* Install it in any directory (Ex: c:\Ruby).

==== Two

* Download ((<Ruby-GTK2 binaries for Windows|URL:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=53614>)).
* ((<ruby-gtk2-0.4.0-1-i386-msvcrt-1.8.zip|URL:http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ruby-gnome2/ruby-gtk2-0.4.0-1-i386-msvcrt-1.8.zip?download>)) is recommended for this example.
* Unzip it in ruby-install-dir (Ex: c:\Ruby).

==== Three

* Download ((<GTK+2 Runtime Environment binaries for Windows from Dropline|URL:http://www.dropline.net/gtk/download.php>)).
* ((<GTK-Runtime-Environment-|URL:http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gtk-win/GTK-Runtime-Environment->)) is recommended for this example.
* Install it in any directory (Ex: c:\Gtk).

==== Four

* Enough downloads. Time to configure it. Basicly, there is only one Environment Variable that needs to hold the directories where the important binaries that need to be shared are located.
* Conventions:
  * ruby-install-dir is the directory where Ruby was installed. Ex: c:\Ruby
  * gtk-install-dir is the directory where GTK+2 was installed. Ex: c:\Gtk
* On Win9X/ME
  * Edit the c:\autoexec.bat file. Append a line (Yes, it should be the last one to be safer) that reads SET PATH=%PATH%;ruby-install-dir\bin;gtk-install-dir\bin;gtk-install-dir\lib . Reboot for the changes to take effect.
* On WinNT/2000/XP/2003
  * Open Panel Control>System>Advanced>Environment Variables. If there is a System Variable called PATH, just append to it ((!ruby-install-dir\bin;gtk-install-dir\bin;gtk-install-dir\lib!)). If there isn't one, add PATH and set its value to ((*ruby-install-dir\bin;gtk-install-dir\bin;gtk-install-dir\lib*)).

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