Foren: ヘルプ (Thread #37324)

VoronoiDiagram point compute probleam ? (2015-11-29 19:49 by Deng Yong #77269)

In agent2D3.1.1 , I use base Interface too compute VoronoiDiagram point,
for exeample
VoronoiDiagram M_pass_voronoi_diagram;

const Rect2D rect = Rect2D::from_center( 0.0, 0.0,
ServerParam::i().pitchLength() - 10.0,
ServerParam::i().pitchWidth() - 10.0 );


const SideID our = wm.ourSide();

const AbstractPlayerCont::const_iterator end = wm.allPlayers().end();
for ( AbstractPlayerCont::const_iterator p = wm.allPlayers().begin();
p != end;
++p )

if ( (*p)->side()!=wm.ourSide())
M_pass_voronoi_diagram.addPoint( (*p)->pos() );

// our goal
M_pass_voronoi_diagram.addPoint( Vector2D( - ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + 5.5, 0.0 ) );
// M_pass_voronoi_diagram.addPoint( Vector2D( - ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + 5.5,
// - ServerParam::i().goalHalfWidth() ) );
// M_pass_voronoi_diagram.addPoint( Vector2D( - ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + 5.5,
// + ServerParam::i().goalHalfWidth() ) );

// opponent side corners
M_pass_voronoi_diagram.addPoint( Vector2D( + ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + 10.0,
- ServerParam::i().pitchHalfWidth() - 10.0 ) );
M_pass_voronoi_diagram.addPoint( Vector2D( + ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + 10.0,
+ ServerParam::i().pitchHalfWidth() + 10.0 ) );

M_pass_voronoi_diagram.setBoundingRect( rect );

#if 0
// our goal
M_pass_voronoi_diagram.addPoint( Vector2D( - ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + 5.5, 0.0 ) );
// M_pass_voronoi_diagram.addPoint( Vector2D( - ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + 5.5,
// - ServerParam::i().goalHalfWidth() ) );
// M_pass_voronoi_diagram.addPoint( Vector2D( - ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + 5.5,
// + ServerParam::i().goalHalfWidth() ) );

// opponent side corners
M_pass_voronoi_diagram.addPoint( Vector2D( + ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + 10.0,
- ServerParam::i().pitchHalfWidth() - 10.0 ) );
M_pass_voronoi_diagram.addPoint( Vector2D( + ServerParam::i().pitchHalfLength() + 10.0,
+ ServerParam::i().pitchHalfWidth() + 10.0 ) );

M_pass_voronoi_diagram.setBoundingRect( rect );


std::vector<Vector2D> *target_map=new std::vector<Vector2D>;
// M_pass_voronoi_diagram.getPointsOnSegments(3,3,target_map);;
double best_eva=0;
Vector2D best_point=target_point;
// std::cout<<(*target_map).size()<<std::endl;

VoronoiDiagram::Vector2DCont VN_Point;
std::ofstream fout("vorongraph.txt",std::ios::app);

for (VoronoiDiagram::Vector2DCont ::const_iterator it =VN_Point.begin(); it!=VN_Point.end(); it++)


if ( (*it).absX()>52||(*it).absY()>33)



but I find the point diffrent with soccerwindow2 _voronoi_diagram point?
It 's a bug in agent2d3.1.1?

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