hoda schoenberg
2007年 8月 20日 (月) 18:30:49 JST
H_E*R E WE GO A_GAIN! T_H*E B_I+G O_N_E BEFOR_E T.H E SEPTEMBER.RAL L_Y! T,H,E M+ARKET IS AB+OUT TO P.O_P*, A-N*D SO IS E*X-M-T'! Tick : E X,M,T 5-d ay p,otential,: 0.._4*0 F-irm: EXCHANG._E MOBIL_E T+E+L*E (,Other O T_C': EXMT.PK.) A_s'k,: 0+.*1,0 (_+25.'00%) UP TO 2.5,% in 1 day N-o,t o'n l y d.o_e*s t_h-i,s f_i.r,m h*a_v-e g.reat fundam'e ntals, b.u,t get ting t h i_s opportun i'ty at t+h-e r+ight t,i*m*e,, r-ight befo re t_h,e r+ally is w*h_a+t mak'es t'h'i s d'e_a l so sw'eet! T+h,i+s a grea-t op.po,rtunity to at leas*t do-uble up! Y+o+u w_i,l.l be a,b+l+e to V i-e w a+n.d U+pdate y.o_u+r data.b,ase a runti_me. T h-e nu-mber of pixel-s req.uire d to g+e.t a certa'in phy+ sical dim e-nsion on y*o'u*r scree+n is probab .ly f*a.r di fferen+t t'h+a*n on y_o,u r pri nter. Bul+lock w'a_s a m'a_n of t-h*e wor ld, a_n d a junio_r partn*er of a wealth_y f-i,r'm_. G+o,t o f-f li ghtly w i*t_h illnes*s c-omp'ared. I sho'ok my h*e*a*d a'n*d walke*d a w_a+y f r o+m the.re -- w e*n't b'a+c,k to t h_e accommod- ation bar,rack-s, o.v-e_r to t+h e B.