[prime-dev: 105] Re: Debian パッケージ

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Hiroyuki Komatsu komat****@taiya*****
2004年 1月 18日 (日) 19:25:40 JST

At Sun, 18 Jan 2004 18:30:41 +0900,
akira yamada wrote:
> >>>>> In <87y8s****@gyoku*****> 
> >>>>>	Hiroyuki Komatsu <komat****@taiya*****> wrote:
> > 限りです。確認ですが、Descriptionの一行目は Short Description かつ
> > Long Description の一行目なんですよね?
> ポインタのみですが、このあたり
> <http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-binary.html#s-descriptions>
> が基準になっています。


5.6.12 Description

 In a source or binary control file, the Description field contains a
 description of the binary package, consisting of two parts, the
 synopsis or the short description, and the long description. The
 field's format is as follows:

     	Description: <single line synopsis>
     	 <extended description over several lines>


3.4 The description of a package

 Put important information first, both in the synopsis and extended
 description. Sometimes only the first part of the synopsis or of the
 description will be displayed. You can assume that there will usually
 be a way to see the whole extended description.



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