[Prime-cvs] CVS update: prime/uim

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Hiroyuki Komatsu komat****@users*****
2005年 3月 2日 (水) 04:59:34 JST

Index: prime/uim/ChangeLog
diff -u prime/uim/ChangeLog: prime/uim/ChangeLog:
--- prime/uim/ChangeLog:	Tue Feb  1 08:38:11 2005
+++ prime/uim/ChangeLog	Wed Mar  2 04:59:34 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2005-03-02  Hiroyuki Komatsu  <komat****@taiya*****>
+	* prime.scm: 
+	Modified a lot for uim-0.4.6.
 2005-02-01  Hiroyuki Komatsu  <komat****@taiya*****>
 	* prime.scm: 
Index: prime/uim/prime.scm
diff -u prime/uim/prime.scm: prime/uim/prime.scm:
--- prime/uim/prime.scm:	Tue Feb  1 08:42:40 2005
+++ prime/uim/prime.scm	Wed Mar  2 04:59:34 2005
@@ -28,9 +28,6 @@
-;;    ::単語登録
 ;;  日本語入力モード(カタカナ日本語入力モードも必要?)
 ;;  英数モード
@@ -43,28 +40,23 @@
 ;;    読み入力状態,単語入力状態
-(require "japanese.scm")
-(require "generic-key.scm")
 (require "util.scm")
+(require "japanese.scm")
+(require-custom "generic-key-custom.scm")
+(require-custom "prime-custom.scm")
+(require-custom "prime-key-custom.scm")
 ;; configs
-(define prime-nr-candidate-max 10)
-(define prime-always-show-window? #t)
-(define prime-auto-register-mode? #t)
-(define prime-pseude-mode-cursor? #f)
-;; If #t a candidate window displays usage examples of candidate words.
-(define prime-custom-display-usage? #t)  
 ;; If #t a candidate window displays comments of candidate words.
 (define prime-custom-display-comment? #t)
 ;; If #t a candidate window displays forms of candidate words such as
 ;; 'l (small L)', 'I (large i)'.
 (define prime-custom-display-form? #t)
-(define prime-mask-pending-preedit? #f)
-;; If #t, users can select candidates with pressing a number key.
 (define prime-always-number-selection? #f)
 ;; config function
+;; should be replaced with boolean custom variable  -- YamaKen 2005-01-15
 (define prime-dont-use-numeral-key-to-select-cand
   (lambda ()
     (set! prime-cand-select-key?
@@ -73,28 +65,6 @@
 		 (control-key-mask key-state))))))
 ;; key
-(define-key prime-latin-key?          '("<Control>l" generic-off-key?))
-(define-key prime-wide-latin-key?     "<Control>L")
-(define-key prime-begin-conv-key?     'generic-begin-conv-key?)
-(define-key prime-on-key?         '("<Control>j" "<Control>J" generic-on-key?))
-(define-key prime-commit-key?         'generic-commit-key?)
-(define-key prime-next-candidate-key? 'generic-next-candidate-key?)
-(define-key prime-prev-candidate-key? 'generic-prev-candidate-key?)
-(define-key prime-next-page-key?      'generic-next-page-key?)
-(define-key prime-prev-page-key?      'generic-prev-page-key?)
-(define-key prime-cancel-key?         'generic-cancel-key?)
-(define-key prime-backspace-key?      'generic-backspace-key?)
-(define-key prime-delete-key?         'generic-delete-key?)
-(define-key prime-go-left-key?        'generic-go-left-key?)
-(define-key prime-go-right-key?       'generic-go-right-key?)
-(define-key prime-go-left-edge-key?   '("<Control>a" "<Control>left"))
-(define-key prime-go-right-edge-key?  '("<Control>e" "<Control>right"))
-(define-key prime-register-key?       '("<Control>w"))
-(define-key prime-typing-mode-hiragana-key?   "F6")
-(define-key prime-typing-mode-katakana-key?   "F7")
-(define-key prime-typing-mode-hankana-key?    "F8")
-(define-key prime-typing-mode-wideascii-key?  "F9")
-(define-key prime-typing-mode-ascii-key?      "F10")
 (define-key prime-language-toggle-key?        "F11")
 (define-key prime-expand-segment-key? '("<Control>o" "<Shift>right"))
 (define-key prime-shrink-segment-key? '("<Control>i" "<Shift>left"))
@@ -108,12 +78,14 @@
 (define-key prime-english-direct-key? '("." "," ":" ";" "(" ")" "\"" "'"
 					"!" "?"))
+;;;; If you're a Vi user, modify the lines below.
+;; Default
 (define-key prime-app-mode-start-key?  #f)
 (define prime-app-mode-end-stroke-list #f)
-;; If you're a vi user, comment out the lines below.
-; (define-key prime-app-mode-start-key? prime-escape-key?)
-; (define prime-app-mode-end-stroke-list
-;   '("i" "I" "a" "A" "o" "O" "C" "s" "S" ("c" . ("l" "w" "e" "c" "G"))))
+;; For Vi users
+;(define-key prime-app-mode-start-key? prime-escape-key?)
+;(define prime-app-mode-end-stroke-list
+;  '("i" "I" "a" "A" "o" "O" "C" "s" "S" ("c" . ("l" "w" "e" "c" "G"))))
 (define prime-cand-select-key?
   (lambda (key key-state)
@@ -155,6 +127,50 @@
 ;;;; prime-keymap: Keymaps binding a key stroke to a command.
 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
+(define prime-keymap-get-keymap
+  (lambda (context key key-state)
+    (let ((mode (prime-context-mode context))
+	  (keymap))
+      (cond 
+       ((= mode prime-mode-latin)
+	(set! keymap prime-keymap-latin-mode))
+       ((= mode prime-mode-hiragana)
+	(set! keymap (prime-keymap-get-keymap-hiragana context key key-state)))
+       ((= mode prime-mode-wide-latin)
+	(set! keymap prime-keymap-wide-latin-mode))
+       ((= mode prime-mode-application)
+	(set! keymap prime-keymap-app-mode)))
+      keymap)))
+(define prime-keymap-get-keymap-hiragana
+  (lambda (context key key-state)
+    (let ((state    (prime-context-state context))
+	  (language (prime-context-language context))
+	  (keymap))
+      (cond
+       ((= state 'prime-state-segment)
+	(set! keymap prime-keymap-segment-state))
+       ((= state 'prime-state-modifying)
+	(set! keymap prime-keymap-modify-state))
+       ((= state 'prime-state-converting)
+	(if (string=? language "Japanese")
+	    (set! keymap prime-keymap-conv-state)
+	    (set! keymap prime-keymap-english-conv-state)))
+       ((= state 'prime-state-preedit)
+	(if (string=? language "Japanese")
+	    (set! keymap prime-keymap-preedit-state)
+	    (set! keymap prime-keymap-english-preedit-state)))
+       ((= state 'prime-state-fund)
+	(if (string=? language "Japanese")
+	    (if (prime-context-parent-context context)
+		(set! keymap prime-keymap-child-fund-state)
+		(set! keymap prime-keymap-fund-state)))))
+      keymap)))
 (define prime-keymap-get-command
   (lambda (keymap key key-state)
     (let ((command-key? (car (car keymap)))
@@ -170,7 +186,7 @@
    (prime-on-key?             . prime-command-japanese-mode)
    (prime-app-mode-start-key? . prime-command-app-mode-start)
-   (prime-any-key?            . prime-command-latin-input)
+   (prime-any-key?            . prime-command-commit-raw)
 (define prime-subkeymap-child-context
@@ -406,11 +422,72 @@
 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Implementations
 (define prime-mode-latin       0)
 (define prime-mode-hiragana    1)
 (define prime-mode-wide-latin  2)
 (define prime-mode-application 3)
+(register-action 'action_prime_mode_latin
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   '(figure_prime_mode_latin
+		     "p[--]"
+		     "通常入力"
+		     "PRIMEをオフ"))
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   (= (prime-context-mode context)
+		      prime-mode-latin))
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   (prime-mode-set context prime-mode-latin)))
+(register-action 'action_prime_mode_hiragana
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   '(figure_prime_mode_hiragana
+		     "P[あ]"
+		     "日本語"
+		     "PRIMEをオン"))
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   (= (prime-context-mode context)
+		      prime-mode-hiragana))
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   (prime-mode-set context prime-mode-hiragana)))
+(register-action 'action_prime_mode_wide_latin
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   '(figure_prime_mode_wide_latin
+		     "P[A]"
+		     "全角英数"
+		     "全角を入力"))
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   (= (prime-context-mode context)
+		      prime-mode-wide-latin))
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   (prime-mode-set context prime-mode-wide-latin)))
+(register-action 'action_prime_mode_application
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   '(figure_prime_mode_application
+		     "P[!]"
+		     "特殊"
+		     "アプリケーション依存"))
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   (= (prime-context-mode context)
+		      prime-mode-application))
+		 (lambda (context)
+		   (prime-mode-set context prime-mode-application)))
+;; Update widget definitions based on action configurations. The
+;; procedure is needed for on-the-fly reconfiguration involving the
+;; custom API
+(define prime-configure-widgets
+  (lambda ()
+    (register-widget 'widget_prime_input_mode
+		     (activity-indicator-new prime-input-mode-actions)
+		     (actions-new prime-input-mode-actions))
+    (context-list-replace-widgets! 'prime prime-widgets)))
 (define prime-context-rec-spec
@@ -426,7 +503,7 @@
     (list 'candidates         ())
     (list 'mode               prime-mode-latin)
     (list 'last-word          "")  ;; PRIMEやPOBoxの用語でいうContext
-    (list 'session            "")  ; the actual value is -default or -register.
+    (list 'session            #f)  ; the actual value is -default or -register.
     (list 'language           "Japanese") ; language of the current session.
     (list 'lang-session-list  ())  ; session data of each language
     (list 'modification       '("" "" ""))
@@ -441,23 +518,43 @@
 (define prime-context-new
   (lambda (id im)
-    (let ((context (prime-context-new-internal id im))
-	  (session (prime-engine-session-start)))
-      (prime-context-set-fund-line!  context (cons (list) (list)))
-      (prime-context-set-session!    context session)
-      (prime-context-set-lang-session-list!
-       context
-       (list (cons (prime-engine-session-language-get session) session)))
-      (prime-context-history-update! context)
+    (let ((context (prime-context-new-internal id im)))
+      (prime-context-set-widgets! context prime-widgets)
+      context)))
+(define prime-context-new2
+  (lambda (id im)
+    (let ((context (prime-context-new-internal id im)))
+      (prime-context-initialize! context)
+;; This initializes an empty context, and also initializes the prime server.
+;; This returns context.
+(define prime-context-initialize!
+  (lambda (context)
+    (print "prime-context-initialize!")
+    (if (null? (prime-context-session context))
+	(begin
+	  ;; The prime server is initialized here.
+	  (prime-lib-init prime-use-unixdomain?)
+	  (let ((session (prime-engine-session-start)))
+	    (prime-custom-init)
+	    (prime-context-set-fund-line!  context (cons (list) (list)))
+	    (prime-context-set-session!    context session)
+	    (prime-context-set-lang-session-list!
+	     context
+	     (list (cons (prime-engine-session-language-get session) session)))
+	    (prime-context-history-update! context))))
+    context))
 ;; This function pushs the current context-data to the stack of
 ;; uim-contexts and create a new context-data.
 (define prime-context-push
   (lambda (context)
+    (print "prime-context-push")
     (let* ((im (prime-context-im context))
 	   (id (prime-context-id context))
-	   (new-context (prime-context-new (prime-context-id context) im)))
+	   (new-context (prime-context-new2 (prime-context-id context) im)))
       (prime-context-set-history! new-context (prime-context-history context))
       (set-cdr! (assoc 'state (prime-context-history new-context))
@@ -556,7 +653,6 @@
 (define prime-preedit-reset!
   (lambda (context)
     (prime-context-set-state! context 'prime-state-fund)
     (prime-context-reset-preedit-line!  context)
     (prime-context-set-nth! context 0)
@@ -660,12 +756,15 @@
 	    (loop (prime-lib-send-command ""))
+;; Don't append "\n" to arg-list in this function. That will cause a
+;; problem with unix domain socket.
 (define prime-engine-send-command
   (lambda (arg-list)
-    (cdr (string-split
-	  (prime-send-command
-	   (string-append (prime-util-string-concat arg-list "\t") "\n"))
-	  "\n"))))
+    (cdr 
+     (string-split
+      (prime-send-command
+       (prime-util-string-concat arg-list "\t"))
+      "\n"))))
 (define prime-engine-conv-predict
   (lambda (prime-session)
@@ -924,6 +1023,7 @@
 (define prime-command-japanese-mode
   (lambda (context key key-state)
+    (prime-context-initialize! context)
     (prime-mode-set context prime-mode-hiragana)))
 (define prime-command-wide-latin-mode
@@ -937,17 +1037,11 @@
 (define prime-command-register-mode
   (lambda (context key key-state)
+    (print "prime-command-register-mode")
     (prime-register-mode-on context)))
 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;; prime-command-latin: User commands in a latin-mode
-;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
-(define prime-command-latin-input
-  (lambda (context key key-state)
-    (prime-command-commit-raw context key key-state)))
-;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;;; prime-command-wide-latin: User commands in a wide-latin-mode
 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
 (define prime-command-wide-latin-input
@@ -1281,6 +1375,7 @@
 (define prime-command-app-mode-start
   (lambda (context key key-state)
+    (print "prime-command-app-mode-start")
     (prime-context-set-previous-mode! context (prime-context-mode context))
     (prime-context-set-app-mode-key-list! context
@@ -1327,7 +1422,7 @@
 					 key key-state (cdr key-list)))))))
 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;; prime-proc:
+;;;; prime-proc: procedure
 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
 (define prime-proc-call-command
@@ -1339,49 +1434,6 @@
-(define prime-push-key
-  (lambda (context key key-state)
-    (let* ((state    (prime-context-state context))
-	   (language (prime-context-language context))
-	   (mode     (prime-context-mode context))
-	   (keymap))
-      (cond
-       ((= state 'prime-state-segment)
-	(set! keymap prime-keymap-segment-state))
-       ((= state 'prime-state-modifying)
-	(set! keymap prime-keymap-modify-state))
-       ((= state 'prime-state-converting)
-	(if (string=? language "Japanese")
-	    (set! keymap prime-keymap-conv-state)
-	    (set! keymap prime-keymap-english-conv-state)))
-       ((= mode prime-mode-latin)
-	(set! keymap prime-keymap-latin-mode))
-       ((= mode prime-mode-wide-latin)
-	(set! keymap prime-keymap-wide-latin-mode))
-       ((= mode prime-mode-hiragana)
-	(if (prime-preedit-exist? context)
-	    (if (string=? language "Japanese")
-		(set! keymap prime-keymap-preedit-state)
-		(set! keymap prime-keymap-english-preedit-state))
-	    (if (string=? language "Japanese")
-		(if (prime-context-parent-context context)
-		    (set! keymap prime-keymap-child-fund-state)
-		    (set! keymap prime-keymap-fund-state))
-		(set! keymap prime-keymap-english-fund-state))))
-       ((= mode prime-mode-application)
-	(set! keymap prime-keymap-app-mode))
-       )
-      (prime-proc-call-command keymap context key key-state)
-      (prime-update context)
-      )))
 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;;; prime-preedit:
 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1501,13 +1553,16 @@
 (define prime-commit-raw
   (lambda (context)
-    ;; Reset the current prime-context
-    (prime-engine-context-reset (prime-context-session context))
+    (if (= (prime-context-mode context) prime-mode-latin)
+	(im-commit-raw context)
+	(begin
+	  ;; Reset the current prime-context
+	  (prime-engine-context-reset (prime-context-session context))
-    (im-commit-raw context)
-    (prime-context-set-last-word! context "")
-    (prime-preedit-reset! context)
-    ))
+	  (im-commit-raw context)
+	  (prime-context-set-last-word! context "")
+	  (prime-preedit-reset! context)
+	  ))))
 (define prime-commit-without-learning
   (lambda (context string)
@@ -1653,19 +1708,38 @@
 (define prime-update
   (lambda (context)
-    ;; Store the current preedition into the context
-    (prime-context-set-preedit-line! context
-				     (prime-engine-edit-get-preedition
-				      (prime-context-session context)))
+    (prime-update-key-press   context)
+    (prime-update-key-release context)))
-    (prime-update-state context)
-    (prime-update-prediction context)
-    (prime-update-candidate-window context)
-    (prime-update-preedit context)
+(define prime-update-key-press
+  (lambda (context)
+    (let ((session (prime-context-session context)))
+      (cond
+       ((null? session)
+	#f)  ;; Do nothing.
-    (prime-update-history context)
-    ))
+       (#t
+	;; Store the current preedition into the context
+	(prime-context-set-preedit-line!
+	 context
+	 (prime-engine-edit-get-preedition session))
+	(prime-update-state context)
+	(prime-update-preedit context)
+	)))))
+(define prime-update-key-release
+  (lambda (context)
+    (let ((session (prime-context-session context)))
+      (cond
+       ((null? session)
+	#f)  ;; Do nothing.
+       (#t
+	(prime-update-prediction context)
+	(prime-update-candidate-window context)
+	(prime-update-history context)
+	)))))
 (define prime-update-state
   (lambda (context)
@@ -1795,7 +1869,7 @@
 (define prime-display-preedit-format
   (list (cons 'committed         preedit-none)
 	(cons 'cursor            preedit-cursor)
-	(cons 'pseude-cursor     preedit-reverse)
+	(cons 'pseudo-cursor     preedit-reverse)
 	(cons 'preedit           preedit-underline)
 	(cons 'converting        preedit-underline)
 	(cons 'segment           preedit-underline)
@@ -1823,11 +1897,11 @@
   (lambda (context)
      context (cdr (assoc 'cursor prime-display-preedit-format)) "")
-    (if (and prime-pseude-mode-cursor?
+    (if (and prime-pseudo-mode-cursor?
 	     (= (prime-context-mode context) prime-mode-hiragana)
 	     (eq? (prime-context-state context) 'prime-state-fund))
 	(im-pushback-preedit context
-			     (cdr (assoc 'pseude-cursor
+			     (cdr (assoc 'pseudo-cursor
 			     " "))
@@ -1836,6 +1910,7 @@
 (define prime-register-mode-on
   (lambda (context)
+    (print "prime-register-mode-on")
     (let* ((reading (prime-preedit-get-string-label context))
 	   ;; Header and footer strings for a preedition line.
 	   (current-display-head (prime-context-display-head context))
@@ -1845,7 +1920,6 @@
 	   (current-line-left    (prime-editor-get-left-string  current-line))
 	   (current-line-right   (prime-editor-get-right-string current-line))
 	   (new-context (prime-context-push context)))
        (append current-display-head
@@ -1865,52 +1939,59 @@
       (prime-mode-set context prime-mode-hiragana)
+;; This just returns the empty context between this client and a prime
+;; server.  However the prime server may not be initialized yet.  The
+;; server will be initialized in prime-context-initialize! after a
+;; user turn on the prime mode.
 (define prime-init-handler
   (lambda (id im arg)
-    (let ((context (prime-context-new id im)))
-      (set! candidate-window-position "left")
-      (im-clear-mode-list context)
-      (mapcar
-       (lambda (data)
-	 (im-pushback-mode-list context (nth 2 data))) ; = mode name
-       prime-mode)
-      (im-update-mode-list context)
-      (im-update-mode context prime-mode-latin)
-      (prime-update-prop-list context)
-      (prime-custom-init)
-      context)))
+    (prime-context-new id im)))
 (define prime-release-handler
   (lambda (context)
-    (prime-engine-session-end (prime-context-session context))
+    (print "prime-release-handler")
+    (let ((session (prime-context-session context)))
+      (if session
+	  (prime-engine-session-end session)))
 (define prime-press-key-handler
-  (lambda (context key state)
+  (lambda (context key key-state)
     (if (control-char? key)
 	(im-commit-raw context)
-	(prime-push-key context key state))))
+	(let ((keymap (prime-keymap-get-keymap context key key-state)))
+	  (prime-proc-call-command keymap context key key-state)
+	  (prime-update-key-press context)
+	  ))))
 (define prime-release-key-handler
-  (lambda (context key state)
+  (lambda (context key key-state)
+    (print "prime-release-key-handler")
     (if (or (control-char? key)
 	    (= (prime-context-mode context)
-	(im-commit-raw context))))
+	(im-commit-raw context)
+	;; else
+	;; FIXME: update candidate words.
+	(prime-update-key-release context)
+	)))
 (define prime-reset-handler
   (lambda (context)
+    (print "prime-reset-handler")
 (define prime-mode-set
   (lambda (context mode)
     (prime-context-set-mode! context mode)
-    (im-update-mode context mode)
-    (prime-update-prop-label context)
-    (prime-update-prop-list context)
-    (prime-preedit-reset! context)
-    (prime-update context)
+    ;; FIXME: I don't wanna use prime-context-session here.
+    ;; FIXME: (2005-02-25) <Hiroyuki Komatsu>
+    ;; If the session is #f, the PRIME mode has never been turned on.
+    (if (prime-context-session context)
+	(begin
+	  (prime-preedit-reset! context)
+	  (prime-update context)
+	  ))
 (define prime-mode-language-set
@@ -1926,13 +2007,6 @@
       (prime-context-set-language! context language)
       (prime-context-set-session!  context session))))
-(define prime-mode-handler
-  (lambda (context mode)
-    (prime-context-set-mode! context mode)
-    (prime-preedit-reset! context)
-    (prime-update context)
-    ()))
 (define prime-get-candidate-handler
   (lambda (context index-no accel-enum-hint)
     (let ((candidate
@@ -1977,73 +2051,29 @@
 (define prime-set-candidate-index-handler
   (lambda (context selection-index)
+    (print "prime-set-candidate-index-handler")
     (if (= (prime-context-state context) 'prime-state-segment)
 	(prime-segment-selection-move context selection-index)
 	(prime-convert-selection-move context))
     (prime-update context)
-(define prime-prop-handler
-  (lambda (context message)
-    (let (mode)
-      (mapcar
-       (lambda (data)
-	 (if (string=? message (nth 4 data))    ; = message
-	     (set!     mode    (nth 0 data))))  ; = mode number
-       prime-mode)
-      (prime-mode-set context mode))))
-(define prime-update-prop-label
-  (lambda (context)
-    (let* ((mode (prime-context-mode context))
-	   (str (prime-mode-get-label mode)))
-      (im-update-prop-label context str))))
-(define prime-update-prop-list
-  (lambda (context) 
-    (let* ((mode (prime-context-mode context))
-	   (str (prime-mode-get-list mode)))
-      (im-update-prop-list context str)
-      )))
-(define prime-mode
-  (list
-   (list prime-mode-latin      "P"  "直接入力" "PRIME オフ" "prop_prime_mode_latin")
-   (list prime-mode-hiragana   "ぷ" "日本語"   "PRIME オン" "prop_prime_mode_hiragana")
-   (list prime-mode-wide-latin "P" "全角英数" "全角を入力" "prop_prime_mode_wide_latin")
-   (list prime-mode-application "P!" "特殊"    "アプリケーション依存" "prop_prime_mode_application")
-   ))
-(define prime-mode-get-label
-  (lambda (mode)
-    (let ((data (assoc mode prime-mode)))
-      (string-append (nth 1 data) "\t" (nth 2 data) "\n"))))
-(define prime-mode-get-list
-  (lambda (mode)
-    (string-append
-     "branch\t" (prime-mode-get-label mode)
-     (prime-util-string-concat
-      (mapcar (lambda (data)
-		(prime-util-string-concat (cons "leaf" (cdr data)) "\t"))
-	      prime-mode)
-      "\n")
-     "\n")))
- 'prime
- "ja"
- "EUC-JP"
- (N_ "Japanese predictable input method")
- #f
- prime-init-handler
- prime-release-handler
- prime-mode-handler
- prime-press-key-handler
- prime-release-key-handler
- prime-reset-handler
- prime-get-candidate-handler
- prime-set-candidate-index-handler
- prime-prop-handler)
+ 'prime                             ;; name
+ "ja"                               ;; lang
+ "EUC-JP"                           ;; encoding 
+ prime-im-name-label                ;; name-label
+ prime-im-short-desc                ;; short-dest
+ #f                                 ;; init-arg
+ prime-init-handler                 ;; init
+ prime-release-handler              ;; release
+ context-mode-handler               ;; mode
+ prime-press-key-handler            ;; key-press
+ prime-release-key-handler          ;; key-release
+ prime-reset-handler                ;; reset
+ prime-get-candidate-handler        ;; get-candidate
+ prime-set-candidate-index-handler  ;; set-candidate-index
+ context-prop-activate-handler      ;; prop

Prime-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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