[Prime-cvs] CVS update: prime

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Hiroyuki Komatsu komat****@users*****
2005年 6月 20日 (月) 02:28:24 JST

Index: prime/ChangeLog
diff -u prime/ChangeLog:1.90 prime/ChangeLog:1.91
--- prime/ChangeLog:1.90	Mon Mar 28 00:23:09 2005
+++ prime/ChangeLog	Mon Jun 20 02:28:23 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2005-06-20  Hiroyuki Komatsu  <komat****@taiya*****>
+	* lib/composer.rb: 
+	Converted the encoding from ISO-2022-JP to EUC-JP.
+	Took back the former method to detect the current typing langualge.
 2005-03-28  Hiroyuki Komatsu  <komat****@taiya*****>
 	* src/prime.src: 

Prime-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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