[Prime-cvs] CVS update: prime

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Hiroyuki Komatsu komat****@users*****
2004年 12月 11日 (土) 16:42:56 JST

Index: prime/ChangeLog
diff -u prime/ChangeLog: prime/ChangeLog:
--- prime/ChangeLog:	Thu Dec  9 21:24:56 2004
+++ prime/ChangeLog	Sat Dec 11 16:42:56 2004
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+2004-12-11  Hiroyuki Komatsu  <komat****@taiya*****>
+	* lib/session.rb (SessionPrime2::session_start): 
+	Fixed a bug that the PRIME_ENV 'hybrid_typing' does not contain
+	a value.
+	* lib/makedict/dictformat-skkdic.rb (DictFormatSkkdic::parse): 
+	Modified that comments of SKK-Dict are dealt as "comment" data.
+2004-12-10  Hiroyuki Komatsu  <komat****@taiya*****>
+	* doc/*.html (Message): 
+	Added links to protocol.html.
+	* doc/protocol.html (Message): [NEW FILE]
+	A document describing the protorol among this server and a client,
+	and how to create a client.
 2004-12-09  Hiroyuki Komatsu  <komat****@taiya*****>
 	* PRIME 0.9.3-RC1:

Prime-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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