[php-i18n-commits] NASDAQ TIMER - New Trading Range For TRHL, Tue, 02 Mar 2004 19:54:14 -0500

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Tabatha Meredith fanni****@mail*****
2004年 3月 3日 (水) 09:54:14 JST

Tue, 02 Mar 2004 19:54:14 -0500

MARKET-TORQUE - The European Union’s Premier U.S. NASDAQ Timer...Dateline 3-02-04

New trading range (as of 3/02/04): Target-- 1.74 - True Health. Inc. (OTCBB: TRHL)

Monday, after the close, the Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) Oscillator rose above its signal line indicating a trend reversal. Never before in this stock’s history have the lines crossed this early.  This means a huge reversal and strong up-trend. The stock is now headed upward.  This time it indicates 1.74. This is exactly what happened in late November, three months ago when the stock ran from 0.69 to 1.48 in less than a month.

The stock is in position for a higher high and a higher low. The volume is very high.  Also, TRHL just started again an unusual trading pattern.  Large blocks of shares are being bought.  Is this because the earnings are due shortly? Read on.

New financials are due out very soon (looking for two weeks) - the stock has started to climb back toward its recent high.

TRHL has had seven consecutive quarters of revenue growth.  Last quarter, revenues were up 385% and 329% for the three and nine month periods, respectively. The July 31, 2003 quarter revenues were up 412%.

But this is what we are looking at.  Back in November TRHL started moving up approximately two weeks before its quarterly financial report.  We are now approximately two weeks away from its next report, and according to the MACD Oscillator the stock has just started back on an up-trend.  If you get in now, there’s a chance of 100 percent profit in less than a month.

True Health did not distribute this report and has no knowledge of its distribution. A third party analyst, who was not retained by the company, distributed it. This report was sent for information purposes only.

Disclosure: Market-Torque (M-T) is not a registered financial advisory.  The information presented by M-T is not for purchasing or selling securities.  M-T compiles then distributes opinions, comments and information based on other public sources.  Penny stocks are considered to be highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors.  M-T does not hold nor does it plan to hold a position in this stock.  This Profile was a paid advertisement by a third party not affiliated with the profiled company.  M-T was compensated four thousand dollars to publish and distribute this report.  Paid advertisements for a third party do not necessarily reflect the views of M-T.  Target prices may fluctuate depending on market environments. Please always consult a registered financial advisor before making any decisions.  This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. Copyright 2004, Roytico Ltd. This repor
 t distributed by MMS. Apartado 173-3006 Zona Franca MeoBarreal Heredia, Costa Rica.  No more ads: simply reply to this email.


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