[Pgbigm-hackers] Release Note pg_bigm 1.1

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Beena Emerson memis****@gmail*****
2013年 10月 21日 (月) 22:26:45 JST


The attached patch, makes the necessary changes to include the release note
of 1.1:

1. Add a new file, containing the release note details of 1.1, named
release-1.1-201310xx_en.html in the html folder.

2. Edit index_en.html file to include a new section for Release Notes.

I have considered 2013-10-xx as the release date, the xx would have to be
updated once the release date is fixed.

Hope this is ok.

Beena Emerson
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$B%U%!%$%kL>(B: bigm-release-note-1.1.patch
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URL:        http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/pgbigm-hackers/attachments/20131021/a1106ce4/attachment.obj 

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