[perldocjp-cvs 1505] CVS update: docs/articles/qntm.org/files/perl

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ktats****@users***** ktats****@users*****
2012年 8月 5日 (日) 18:49:23 JST

Index: docs/articles/qntm.org/files/perl/perl.html
diff -u docs/articles/qntm.org/files/perl/perl.html:1.2 docs/articles/qntm.org/files/perl/perl.html:1.3
--- docs/articles/qntm.org/files/perl/perl.html:1.2	Sun Aug  5 13:09:34 2012
+++ docs/articles/qntm.org/files/perl/perl.html	Sun Aug  5 18:49:22 2012
@@ -198,9 +198,9 @@
 	<li>string <tt>"0"</tt>.</li>
-<p>The Perl documentation <em>repeatedly</em> claims that functions return "true" or "false" values in certain situations. In practice, when a function is claimed to return "true" it usually returns <tt>1</tt>, and when it is claimed to return false it usually returns the empty string, <tt>""</tt>.</p>
+<p class=original>The Perl documentation <em>repeatedly</em> claims that functions return "true" or "false" values in certain situations. In practice, when a function is claimed to return "true" it usually returns <tt>1</tt>, and when it is claimed to return false it usually returns the empty string, <tt>""</tt>.</p>
-<p class=original>Perlのドキュメントでは、<em>繰り返し</em>、特定の状況で"真"か"偽"の値を関数が返すように主張しています。実際には、
 <h3 class=original>Array variables</h3>
@@ -1175,8 +1175,10 @@
 <h2 class=original>Built-in functions</h2>
-<p>By now you have seen at least a dozen built-in functions: <tt>print</tt>, <tt>sort</tt>, <tt>map</tt>, <tt>grep</tt>, <tt>each</tt>, <tt>keys</tt>, <tt>scalar</tt> and so on. Built-in functions are one of Perl's greatest strengths. They</p>
+<p class="original">By now you have seen at least a dozen built-in functions: <tt>print</tt>, <tt>sort</tt>, <tt>map</tt>, <tt>grep</tt>, <tt>each</tt>, <tt>keys</tt>, <tt>scalar</tt> and so on. Built-in functions are one of Perl's greatest strengths. They</p>
+<p>今までで、少なくともよくある組込関数が出てきました: <tt>print</tt>, <tt>sort</tt>, <tt>map</tt>, <tt>grep</tt>, <tt>each</tt>, <tt>keys</tt>, <tt>scalar</tt> など。 組込関数はPerlの最も偉大な強みのひとつです。それらは、</p>
+<ul class="original">
 	<li>are numerous</li>
 	<li>are very useful</li>
 	<li>are extensively documented (in "perlfunc")</li>
@@ -1188,13 +1190,33 @@
 	<li>sometimes will fill in their own arguments if too few are supplied</li>
 	<li>generally don't require brackets around their arguments except in ambiguous circumstances</li>
-<p>The best advice regarding built-in functions is to know that they exist, so that you can <strong>use them</strong>. If you are carrying out a task which feels like it's low-level and common enough that it's been done many times before, the chances are that it has.</p>
+	<li>たくさんある</li>
+	<li>とても便利</li>
+	<li>広くドキュント化されている("perlfunc"に)</li>
+	<li>シンタックスで大きく異なるので、ドキュメントを見ること</li>
+	<li>引数として正規表現を受け付けるものもある</li>
+	<li>引数として完全なコードブロックを受け付けるものもある</li>
+	<li>引数の間にコンマが不要なものもある</li>
+	<li>コンマで区切られた任意の数を取るものもあれば、そうでないものもある</li>
+	<li>引数が少なすぎる場合に、自分自身で引数を埋めるものもある</li>
+	<li>曖昧な状況でなければ、一般的に引数のまわりに括弧は不要</li>
+<p class=original>The best advice regarding built-in functions is to know that they exist, so that you can <strong>use them</strong>. If you are carrying out a task which feels like it's low-level and common enough that it's been done many times before, the chances are that it has.</p>
+<h2 class=original>User-defined subroutines</h2>
+<p class=original>Subroutines are declared using the <tt>sub</tt> keyword. In contrast with built-in functions, user-defined subroutines always accept the same input: a list of scalars. That list may of course have a single element, or be empty. A single scalar is taken as a list with a single element. A hash with <var>N</var> elements is taken as a list with 2<var>N</var> elements.</p>
+<p>サブルーチンは<tt>sub</tt> キーワードを使って宣言されます。組込関数と対照的に、ユーザー定義のサブルーチンは常に同じ入力を受け付けます: スカラのリストです。そのリストは、もちろん、ひとつの要素か、空の場合もあります。ひとつのスカラは一つの要素のリストです。<var>N</var>要素のハッシュは2<var>N</var>要素のリストです。</p>
-<h2>User-defined subroutines</h2>
+<p class=original>Although the brackets are optional, subroutines should always be invoked using brackets, even when called with no arguments. This makes it clear that a subroutine call is happening.</p>
-<p>Subroutines are declared using the <tt>sub</tt> keyword. In contrast with built-in functions, user-defined subroutines always accept the same input: a list of scalars. That list may of course have a single element, or be empty. A single scalar is taken as a list with a single element. A hash with <var>N</var> elements is taken as a list with 2<var>N</var> elements.</p>
-<p>Although the brackets are optional, subroutines should always be invoked using brackets, even when called with no arguments. This makes it clear that a subroutine call is happening.</p>
-<p>Once you're inside a subroutine, the arguments are available using the built-in array variable <tt>@_</tt>. Examples follow.</p>
+<p class=original>Once you're inside a subroutine, the arguments are available using the built-in array variable <tt>@_</tt>. Examples follow.</p>
 <h3>Unpacking arguments</h3>
 <p>There's More Than One Way To unpack these arguments, but some are superior to others.</p>

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