[perldocjp-cvs 1086] CVS update: docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl

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ktats****@users***** ktats****@users*****
2011年 2月 10日 (木) 11:38:18 JST

Index: docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/HTTP.pod
diff -u docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/HTTP.pod:1.2 docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/HTTP.pod:removed
--- docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/HTTP.pod:1.2	Thu Feb 10 11:26:33 2011
+++ docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/HTTP.pod	Thu Feb 10 11:38:18 2011
@@ -1,695 +0,0 @@
-=encoding utf8
-=encoding utf8
-=head1 名前
-=begin original
-Furl::HTTP - Low level interface to Furl
-=end original
-Furl::HTTP - Furlの低レベルのインターフェース
-=head1 概要
-    use Furl;
-    my $furl = Furl::HTTP->new(
-        agent   => 'MyGreatUA/2.0',
-        timeout => 10,
-    );
-    my ($minor_version, $code, $msg, $headers, $body) = $furl->request(
-        method     => 'GET',
-        host       => 'example.com',
-        port       => 80,
-        path_query => '/'
-    );
-    # or
-    # Accept-Encoding is supported but optional
-    $furl = Furl->new(
-        headers => [ 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip' ],
-    );
-    my $body = $furl->get('http://example.com/some/compressed');
-=head1 説明
-=begin original
-Furl is yet another HTTP client library. LWP is the de facto standard HTTP
-client for Perl5, but it is too slow for some critical jobs, and too complex
-for weekend hacking. Furl resolves these issues. Enjoy it!
-=end original
-=begin original
-This library is an B<beta> software. Any API may change without notice.
-=end original
-このライブラリは B<ベータ>ソフトウェアです。予告なくAPIが変更されるかも知れません。
-=head1 インターフェース
-=head2 クラスメソッド
-=head3 C<< Furl::HTTP->new(%args | \%args) :Furl >>
-=begin original
-Creates and returns a new Furl client with I<%args>. Dies on errors.
-=end original
-I<%args> might be:
-=item agent :Str = "Furl/$VERSION"
-=item timeout :Int = 10
-Seconds until the call to $furl->request returns a timeout error (as an internally generated 500 error). The timeout might not be accurate since some underlying modules / built-ins function may block longer than the specified timeout. See the FAQ for how to support timeout during name resolution.
-=item max_redirects :Int = 7
-=item proxy :Str
-=item no_proxy :Str
-=item headers :ArrayRef
-=item header_format :Int = HEADERS_AS_ARRAYREF
-This option choose return value format of C<< $furl->request >>.
-B<HEADERS_AS_ARRAYREF> is a default value. This makes B<$headers> as ArrayRef.
-B<HEADERS_NONE> makes B<$headers> as undef. Furl does not return parsing result of headers. You should take needed headers from B<special_headers>.
-=item connection_pool
-This is the connection pool object for keep-alive requests. By default, it is a instance of L<Furl::ConnectionCache>.
-You may not customize this variable otherwise to use L<Coro>. This attribute requires a duck type object. It has two methods, C<< $obj->steal($host, $port >> and C<< $obj->push($host, $port, $sock) >>.
-=item stop_if
-A callback function that is called by Furl after when a blocking function call returns EINTR. Furl will abort the HTTP request and return immediately if the callback returns true. Otherwise the operation is continued (the default behaviour).
-=item inet_aton
-A callback function to customize name resolution. Takes two arguments: ($hostname, $timeout_in_seconds). If omitted, Furl calls L<Socket::inet_aton>.
-=head2 Instance Methods
-=head3 C<< $furl->request(%args) :($protocol_minor_version, $code, $msg, \@headers, $body) >>
-Sends an HTTP request to a specified URL and returns a protocol minor version,
-status code, status message, response headers, response body respectively.
-I<%args> might be:
-=item scheme :Str = "http"
-=begin original
-Protocol scheme. May be C<http> or C<https>.
-=end original
-プロトコロスキーマ。C<http> か C<https> でしょう。
-=item host :Str
-=begin original
-Server host to connect.
-=end original
-=begin original
-You must specify at least C<host> or C<url>.
-=end original
-C<host> か C<url>のいずれかを指定しなければいけません。
-=item port :Int = 80
-=begin original
-Server port to connect. The default is 80 on C<< scheme => 'http' >>,
-or 443 on C<< scheme => 'https' >>.
-=end original
-接続するサーバのポート。デフォルトは、C<< schema => 'http' >>なら80で、
-C<< scheme => 'https' >>なら、443です。
-=item path_query :Str = "/"
-=begin original
-Path and query to request.
-=end original
-=item url :Str
-=begin original
-URL to request.
-=end original
-=begin original
-You can use C<url> instead of C<scheme>, C<host>, C<port> and C<path_query>.
-=end original
-=item headers :ArrayRef
-=begin original
-HTTP request headers. e.g. C<< headers => [ 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip' ] >>.
-=end original
-HTTPリクエストヘッダ。例 C<< headers => [ 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip' ] >>.
-=item content : Str | ArrayRef[Str] | HashRef[Str] | FileHandle
-=begin original
-Content to request.
-=end original
-=item write_file : FileHandle
-=begin original
-If this parameter is set, the response content will be saved here instead of in the response object.
-=end original
-=begin original
-It's like a ':content_file' in L<LWP::UserAgent>.
-=end original
-=item write_code : CodeRef
-=begin original
-If a callback is provided with the "write_code" option
-then this function will be called for each chunk of the response
-content as it is received from the server.
-=end original
-=begin original
-It's like a ':content_cb' in L<LWP::UserAgent>.
-=end original
-=begin original
-The C<request()> method assumes the first argument to be an instance
-of C<HTTP::Request> if the arguments are an odd number:
-=end original
-C<response()> メソッドは引数が奇数の場合、最初の引数をC<HTTP::Request>のインスタンスと想定します。
-    my $req = HTTP::Request->new(...);
-    my @res = $furl->request($req); # allowed
-=begin original
-You must encode all the queries or this method will die, saying
-C<Wide character in ...>.
-=end original
-すべてのクエリをエンコードする必要があります。さもなくば、C<Wide character in ...>
-=head3 C<< $furl->get($url :Str, $headers :ArrayRef[Str] ) >>
-=begin original
-This is an easy-to-use alias to C<request()>, sending the C<GET> method.
-=end original
-=head3 C<< $furl->head($url :Str, $headers :ArrayRef[Str] ) >>
-=begin original
-This is an easy-to-use alias to C<request()>, sending the C<HEAD> method.
-=end original
-=head3 C<< $furl->post($url :Str, $headers :ArrayRef[Str], $content :Any) >>
-=begin original
-This is an easy-to-use alias to C<request()>, sending the C<POST> method.
-=end original
-=head3 C<< $furl->put($url :Str, $headers :ArrayRef[Str], $content :Any) >>
-=begin original
-This is an easy-to-use alias to C<request()>, sending the C<PUT> method.
-=end original
-=head3 C<< $furl->delete($url :Str, $headers :ArrayRef[Str] ) >>
-=begin original
-This is an easy-to-use alias to C<request()>, sending the C<DELETE> method.
-=end original
-=head1 FAQ
-=over 4
-=item どうして IO::Socket::SSL?
-=begin original
-=item Why IO::Socket::SSL?
-=end original
-=begin original
-Net::SSL is not well documented.
-=end original
-Net::SSL はドキュメントが貧弱です。
-=begin original
-=item Why is env_proxy optional?
-=end original
-=item env_proxy はなぜオプショナルなのですか?
-=begin original
-Environment variables are highly dependent on each users' environment,
-and we think it may confuse users when something doesn't go right.
-=end original
-=begin original
-=item What operating systems are supported?
-=end original
-=item どのオペレーティングシステムをサポートしますか?
-=begin original
-Linux 2.6 or higher, OSX Tiger or higher, Windows XP or higher.
-=end original
-Linux 2.6 以上、 OSX Tiger 以上、 Windows XP 以上。
-=begin original
-And other operating systems will be supported if you send a patch.
-=end original
-=begin original
-=item Why doesn't Furl support chunked upload?
-=end original
-=item なぜFurlはチャンクされたアップロードをサポートしないのですか?
-=begin original
-There are reasons why chunked POST/PUTs should not be used in general.
-=end original
-=begin original
-First, you cannot send chunked requests unless the peer server at the other end of the established TCP connection is known to be a HTTP/1.1 server.
-=end original
-=begin original
-Second, HTTP/1.1 servers disconnect their persistent connection quite quickly (compared to the time they wait for the first request), so it is not a good idea to post non-idempotent requests (e.g. POST, PUT, etc.) as a succeeding request over persistent connections.
-=end original
-そのため、永続的な接続越しに、連続するリクエストとして不変でないリクエスト(例 POST,PUTなど)をポストするのは良くありません。
-=begin original
-These facts together makes using chunked requests virtually impossible (unless you _know_ that the server supports HTTP/1.1), and this is why we decided that supporting the feature is NOT of high priority.
-=end original
-These facts together makes using chunked requests virtually impossible (unless you _know_ that the server supports HTTP/1.1), and this is why we decided that supporting the feature is NOT of high priority.
-=begin original
-=item How do you build the response content as it arrives?
-=end original
-=item 到達したレスポンスの内容をどのように作れますか?
-=begin original
-You can use L<IO::Callback> for this purpose.
-=end original
-    my $fh = IO::Callback->new(
-        '<',
-        sub {
-            my $x = shift @data;
-            $x ? "-$x" : undef;
-        }
-    );
-    my ( $code, $msg, $headers, $content ) =
-      $furl->put( "$port/", [ 'Content-Length' => $len ], $fh,
-      );
-=begin original
-=item How do you use gzip/deflate compressed communication?
-=end original
-=item gzip/deflate 圧縮されたコミュニケーションを使えますか?
-=begin original
-Add an B<Accept-Encoding> header to your request. Furl inflates response bodies transparently according to the B<Content-Encoding> response header.
-=end original
-=begin original
-=item How do you use mutipart/form-data?
-=end original
-=item mutipart/form-data を使うには?
-=begin original
-You can use multipart/form-data with L<HTTP::Request::Common>.
-=end original
-    use HTTP::Request::Common;
-    my $furl = Furl->new();
-    $req = POST 'http://www.perl.org/survey.cgi',
-      Content_Type => 'form-data',
-      Content      => [
-        name   => 'Hiromu Tokunaga',
-        email  => 'tokuh****@examp*****',
-        gender => 'F',
-        born   => '1978',
-        init   => ["$ENV{HOME}/.profile"],
-      ];
-    $furl->request($req);
-=begin original
-Native multipart/form-data support for L<Furl> is available if you can send a patch for me.
-=end original
-=begin original
-=item How do you use Keep-Alive and what happens on the HEAD method?
-=end original
-=item Kee-Alive をどうやって使うのかとHEADメソッドでは何が起きるのか?
-=begin original
-Furl supports HTTP/1.1, hence C<Keep-Alive>. However, if you use the HEAD
-method, the connection is closed immediately.
-=end original
-=begin original
-RFC 2616 section 9.4 says:
-=end original
-RFC 2616 section 9.4 によると:
-=begin original
-    The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT
-    return a message-body in the response.
-=end original
-    HEADメソッドは、サーバがレスポンスにメッセージボディを返さしてはいけないことを
-    除いて、GETメソッドと同一です。
-=begin original
-Some web applications, however, returns message bodies on the HEAD method,
-which might confuse C<Keep-Alive> processes, so Furl closes connection in
-such cases.
-=end original
-=begin original
-Anyway, the HEAD method is not so useful nowadays. The GET method and
-C<If-Modified-Sinse> are more suitable to cache HTTP contents.
-=end original
-=begin original
-=item Why does Furl take longer than specified until it returns a timeout error?
-=end original
-=item Why does Furl take longer than specified until it returns a timeout error?
-=begin original
-Although Furl itself supports timeout, some underlying modules / functions do not. And the most noticeable one is L<Socket::inet_aton>, the function used for name resolution (a function that converts hostnames to IP addresses). If you need accurate and short timeout for name resolution, the use of L<Net::DNS::Lite> is recommended. The following code snippet describes how to use the module in conjunction with Furl.
-=end original
-    use Net::DNS::Lite qw();
-    my $furl = Furl->new(
-        timeout   => $my_timeout_in_seconds,
-        inet_aton => sub { Net::DNS::Lite::inet_aton(@_) },
-    );
-=head1 TODO
-    - AnyEvent::Furl?
-    - ipv6 support
-    - better docs for NO_PROXY
-=head1 オプショナルな機能
-=begin original
-=head2 Internationalized Domain Name (IDN)
-=end original
-=head2 国際ドメイン名(IDN)
-=begin original
-This feature requires Net::IDN::Encode.
-=end original
-この機能は Net::IDN::Encode が必要です。
-=head2 SSL
-=begin original
-This feature requires IO::Socket::SSL.
-=end original
-この機能は IO::Socket::SSL が必要です。
-=head2 Content-Encoding (deflate, gzip)
-=begin original
-This feature requires Compress::Raw::Zlib.
-=end original
-この機能は Compress::Raw::Zlib が必要です。
-=head1 開発
-=begin original
-To setup your environment:
-=end original
-    $ git clone http://github.com/tokuhirom/p5-Furl.git
-    $ cd p5-Furl
-=begin original
-To get picohttpparser:
-=end original
-picohttpparser の取得:
-    $ git submodule init
-    $ git submodule update
-    $ perl Makefile.PL
-    $ make
-    $ sudo make install
-=head2 貢献するには
-Please send the pull-req via L<http://github.com/tokuhirom/p5-Furl/>.
-=head1 参照
-HTTP specs:
-=head1 LICENSE
-Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Index: docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/Headers.pod
diff -u docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/Headers.pod:1.1 docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/Headers.pod:removed
--- docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/Headers.pod:1.1	Thu Feb 10 04:25:44 2011
+++ docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/Headers.pod	Thu Feb 10 11:38:18 2011
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-=encoding utf8
-=head1 名前
-=begin original
-Furl::Headers - HTTP Headers object
-=end original
-Furl::Headers - HTTPヘッダーオブジェクト
-=head1 概要
-=head1 コンストラクタ
-=over 4
-=item my $headers = Furl::Headers->new(\%headers);
-=begin original
-The constructor takes one argument. It is a hashref.
-Every key of hashref must be lower-cased.
-=end original
-=begin original
-The format of the argument is like following:
-=end original
-    +{
-        'content-length' => [30],
-        'set-cookies'    => ['auth_token=; path=/; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT', '_twitter_sess=JKLJBNBLKSFJBLKSJBLKSJLKJFLSDJFjkDKFUFIOSDUFSDVjOTUzNzUwNTE2%250AZWFiMWRiNDZhMDcwOWEwMWQ5IgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rpb25Db250cm9sbGVy%250AOjpGbGFzaDo6Rmxhc2hIYXNoewAGOgpAdXNlZHsA--d9ce07496a22525bc178jlkhafklsdjflajfl411; domain=.twitter.com; path=/'],
-    }
-=head1 インスタンスメソッド
-=over 4
-=item my @values = $headers->header($key);
-=begin original
-Get the header value in array.
-=end original
-=item my $values_joined = $headers->header($key);
-=begin original
-Get the header value in scalar. This is not a first value of header. This is same as:
-=end original
-    my $values = join(", ", $headers->header($key))
-=item $headers->header($key, $val);
-=item $headers->header($key, \@val);
-=begin original
-Set the new value of headers.
-=end original
-=item $headers->remove_header($key);
-=begin original
-Delete key from headers.
-=end original
-=item my @h = $headers->flatten();
-=begin original
-Gets pairs of keys and values.
-=end original
-=item my @keys = $headers->keys();
-=item my @keys = $headers->header_field_names();
-=begin original
-Returns keys of headers in array. The return value do not contains duplicated value.
-=end original
-=item my $str = $headers->as_string();
-=begin original
-Return the header fields as a formatted MIME header.
-=end original
-=item my $val = $headers->referer()
-=item my $val = $headers->expires()
-=item my $val = $headers->last_modified()
-=item my $val = $headers->if_modified_since()
-=item my $val = $headers->content_type()
-=item my $val = $headers->content_length()
-=item my $val = $headers->content_encoding()
-=begin original
-These methods are shortcut for popular headers.
-=end original
-=head1 参照
Index: docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/Response.pod
diff -u docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/Response.pod:1.2 docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/Response.pod:removed
--- docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/Response.pod:1.2	Thu Feb 10 04:28:58 2011
+++ docs/modules/Furl-0.22/lib/Furl/Response.pod	Thu Feb 10 11:38:18 2011
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-=encoding utf8
-=head1 概要
-    my $res = Furl::Response->new($minor_version, $code, $message, $headers, $content);
-    print $res->status, "\n";
-=head1 説明
-=begin original
-This is a HTTP response object in Furl.
-=end original
-これはFurl の HTTPレスポンスオブジェクトです。
-=head1 コンストラクタ
-    my $res = Furl::Response->new($minor_version, $code, $msg, \%headers, $content);
-=head1 インスタンスメソッド
-=over 4
-=item $res->code
-=item $res->status
-=begin original
-Returns HTTP status code.
-=end original
-=item $res->message
-=begin original
-Returns HTTP status message.
-=end original
-=item $res->headers
-=begin original
-Returns instance of L<Furl::Headers>
-=end original
-=item $res->content
-=item $res->body
-=begin original
-Returns response body in scalar.
-=end original
-=item $res->content_length
-=item $res->content_type
-=item $res->content_encoding
-=item $res->header
-=begin original
-Shorthand to access L<Furl::Headers>.
-=end original
-=item $res->protocol
-    $res->protocol(); # => "HTTP/1.1"
-=begin original
-Returns HTTP protocol in string.
-=end original
-HTTP プロトコルを文字列で返します。
-=item $res->as_http_response
-=begin original
-Make instance of L<HTTP::Response> from L<Furl::Response>.
-=end original
-=item $res->is_success
-=begin original
-Returns true if status code is 2xx.
-=end original
-=item $res->status_line
-    $res->status_line() # => "200 OK"
-=begin original
-Returns status line.
-=end original

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