[perldocjp-cvs 1048] CVS update: docs/perl/5.10.0

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2011年 2月 7日 (月) 22:28:47 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.10.0/perlopentut.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.10.0/perlopentut.pod:1.7 docs/perl/5.10.0/perlopentut.pod:1.8
--- docs/perl/5.10.0/perlopentut.pod:1.7	Sun Sep 26 05:02:30 2010
+++ docs/perl/5.10.0/perlopentut.pod	Mon Feb  7 22:28:47 2011
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
 Note also that the first example uses the C<||> logical operator, and the
 second uses C<or>, which has lower precedence. 
 後者の例で  C<||> を使うと、実際には以下のような意味になり
     open INFO, ( "<  datafile"  || die "can't open datafile: $!" );
@@ -317,10 +318,9 @@
 先頭の文字がパイプ記号の場合、C<open> は新しいコマンドを準備して、
-This lets you write into that handle and have what you write show up on
-that command's standard input.
     open(PRINTER, "| lpr -Plp1")    || die "can't run lpr: $!";
     print PRINTER "stuff\n";
@@ -417,8 +417,8 @@
 If minus can be used as the default input or default output, what happens
 if you open a pipe into or out of minus?  What's the default command it
-would run?  The same script as you're currently running!  This is actually
-a stealth C<fork> hidden inside an C<open> call.
+would run?  The same script as you're currently running!
+これは実際には C<open> 呼び出し内で隠れた C<fork> が行われます。
 詳しくは L<perlipc/"Safe Pipe Opens"> を参照してください。
@@ -513,10 +513,9 @@
 =end original
-This is a short cut for some renaming games that are really
-the best way to update textfiles.
 さらなる詳細については L<perlfaq5> の 2 番目の質問を参照してください。
 =head2 Filters 
@@ -708,10 +707,10 @@
 =end original
-One of the more interesting applications is to change files of a certain
-name into pipes.  For example, to autoprocess gzipped or compressed
-files by decompressing them with I<gzip>:
+例えば、gzip や compress されたファイルを、I<gzip> を使って自動的に
     @ARGV = map { /^\.(gz|Z)$/ ? "gzip -dc $_ |" : $_  } @ARGV;
@@ -1186,9 +1185,11 @@
 =end original
-Perl is more of a DWIMmer language than something like Java--where DWIM
-is an acronym for "do what I mean".  But this principle sometimes leads
-to more hidden magic than one knows what to do with.  In this way, Perl
+Perl は、Java のような言語よりも「空気を読む」(DWIM)言語です --
+DWIM とは "do what I mean" の略です。
+In this way, Perl
 is also filled with I<dweomer>, an obscure word meaning an enchantment.
 Sometimes, Perl's DWIMmer is just too much like dweomer for comfort.
@@ -1204,8 +1205,9 @@
 =end original
-If magic C<open> is a bit too magical for you, you don't have to turn
-to C<sysopen>.  To open a file with arbitrary weird characters in
+もしマジカルな C<open> があなたにとってちょっとマジカルすぎるとしても、
+C<sysopen> にまで戻る必要はありません。
+To open a file with arbitrary weird characters in
 it, it's necessary to protect any leading and trailing whitespace.
 Leading whitespace is protected by inserting a C<"./"> in front of a
 filename that starts with whitespace.  Trailing whitespace is protected
@@ -1994,10 +1996,9 @@
 =end original
-最後に、due to the uncounted millions who cannot be dissuaded from
-wasting cycles on useless vanity devices called hit counters, here's
-how to increment a number in a file safely:
+最後に、アクセスカウンタと呼ばれる無駄で空虚な装置のために CPU パワーを
     use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
@@ -2040,13 +2041,10 @@
 これは Perl で発生する全ての I/O のための新しい「配管」です;
-but PerlIO also brought
-in some new features such as the ability to think of I/O as "layers".
-One I/O layer may in addition to just moving the data also do
-transformations on the data.
+I/O を「層」として考えるための機能のような、新しい要素も導入されています。
+ある I/O 層は単にデータを移動させるだけでなく、データを変換するかも知れません。
 =begin original

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