[perldocjp-cvs 103] CVS update: docs/modules/Test-Base-0.52/lib/Test/Base

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YAMASHINA Hio hio****@users*****
2006年 10月 26日 (木) 00:41:12 JST

Index: docs/modules/Test-Base-0.52/lib/Test/Base/Filter.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/Test-Base-0.52/lib/Test/Base/Filter.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Oct 26 00:41:12 2006
+++ docs/modules/Test-Base-0.52/lib/Test/Base/Filter.pod	Thu Oct 26 00:41:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 名前
+Test::Base::Filter - Test::Base のデフォルトのフィルタクラス
+=head1 概要
+    package MyTestSuite;
+    use Test::Base -Base;
+    ... reusable testing code ...
+    package MyTestSuite::Filter;
+    use Test::Base::Filter -Base;
+    sub my_filter1 {
+        ...
+    }
+=head1 説明
+Filters are the key to writing effective data driven tests with Test::Base.
+Test::Base::Filter is a class containing a large default set of generic
+filters. You can easily subclass it to add/override functionality.
+フィルタは Test::Base で効果的なデータ駆動テストを記述する
+要の要素です. Test::Base::Filter には汎用的なフィルタの
+数多くのデフォルトの集合が含まれています. 機能を追加, 上書きするために
+=head1 フィルタ
+This is a list of the default stock filters (in alphabetic order):
+=head2 append
+list => list
+Append a string to each element of a list.
+    --- numbers lines chomp append=-#\n join
+    one
+    two
+    three
+=head2 array
+list => scalar
+Turn a list of values into an anonymous array reference.
+=head2 base64_decode
+scalar => scalar
+Decode base64 data. Useful for binary tests.
+base64 データをデコードします. バイナリのテストに便利です.
+=head2 base64_encode
+scalar => scalar
+Encode base64 data. Useful for binary tests.
+データを base64 エンコードします. バイナリのテストに便利です.
+=head2 chomp
+list => list
+Remove the final newline from each string value in a list.
+=head2 chop
+list => list
+Remove the final char from each string value in a list.
+=head2 dumper
+scalar => list
+Take a data structure (presumably from another filter like eval) and use
+Data::Dumper to dump it in a canonical fashion.
+Data::Dumper を使って正規形式にダンプします.
+=head2 escape
+scalar => scalar
+Unescape all backslash escaped chars.
+=head2 eval
+scalar => list
+Run Perl's C<eval> command against the data and use the returned value
+as the data.
+データに対して Perl の C<eval> コマンドを実行し, その復帰値を
+=head2 eval_all
+scalar => list
+Run Perl's C<eval> command against the data and return a list of 4
+データに対して Perl の C<eval> コマンドを実行し, 4つの値から成る
+    1) The return value
+    2) The error in $@
+    3) Captured STDOUT
+    4) Captured STDERR
+    1) 復帰値
+    2) $@ のエラー内容
+    3) STDOUT の内容
+    4) STDERR の内容
+=head2 eval_stderr
+scalar => scalar
+Run Perl's C<eval> command against the data and return the
+captured STDERR.
+データに対して Perl の C<eval> コマンドを実行し, STDERR から
+=head2 eval_stdout
+scalar => scalar
+Run Perl's C<eval> command against the data and return the
+captured STDOUT.
+データに対して Perl の C<eval> コマンドを実行し, STDOUT から
+=head2 exec_perl_stdout
+list => scalar
+Input Perl code is written to a temp file and run. STDOUT is captured and
+入力された Perl コードをテンポラリファイルに書き出して実行します. 
+STDOUT を読み込んで返します.
+=head2 flatten
+scalar => list
+Takes a hash or array ref and flattens it to a list.
+=head2 get_url
+scalar => scalar
+The text is chomped and considered to be a url. Then LWP::Simple::get is
+used to fetch the contents of the url.
+テキストは chomp され, url として扱われます. そしてその url の内容を
+LWP::Simple::get を使って取得します.
+=head2 hash
+list => scalar
+Turn a list of key/value pairs into an anonymous hash reference.
+=head2 head[=number]
+list => list
+Takes a list and returns a number of the elements from the front of it. The
+default number is one.
+=head2 join
+list => scalar
+Join a list of strings into a scalar.
+文字列のリストをスカラーに join します.
+=head2 Join
+Join the list of strings inside a list of array refs and return the
+strings in place of the array refs.
+配列のリストの中にある文字列のリストを join して, 配列リファレンスの
+=head2 lines
+scalar => list
+Break the data into an anonymous array of lines. Each line (except
+possibly the last one if the C<chomp> filter came first) will have a
+newline at the end.
+データを行の無名配列に砕きます. 各行は終端に改行文字を持ちます
+(C<chomp> フィルタが先に適用されていた場合には, 
+=head2 norm
+scalar => scalar
+Normalize the data. Change non-Unix line endings to Unix line endings.
+non-Unix 行末を, Unix 行末に変換します.
+=head2 prepend=string
+list => list
+Prepend a string onto each of a list of strings.
+=head2 read_file
+scalar => scalar
+Read the file named by the current content and return the file's content.
+=head2 regexp[=xism]
+scalar => scalar
+The C<regexp> filter will turn your data section into a regular
+expression object. You can pass in extra flags after an equals sign.
+C<regexp> フィルタはデータセクションを正規表現オブジェクトに
+変換します. 等号記号の後でフラグを指定できます.
+If the text contains more than one line and no flags are specified, then
+the 'xism' flags are assumed.
+'xism' フラグが適用されます.
+=head2 reverse
+list => list
+Reverse the elements of a list.
+=head2 Reverse
+list => list
+Reverse the list of strings inside a list of array refs.
+=head2 slice=x[,y]
+list => list
+Returns the element number x through element number y of a list.
+リストの x 番目から y 番目の要素を返します.
+=head2 sort
+list => list
+Sorts the elements of a list in character sort order.
+=head2 Sort
+list => list
+Sort the list of strings inside a list of array refs.
+=head2 split[=string|pattern]
+scalar => list
+Split a string in into a list. Takes a optional string or regexp as a
+parameter. Defaults to /\s+/. Same as Perl C<split>.
+文字列をリストに分割(split)します. 任意で文字列若しくは
+正規表現をパラメータとして受け取ります. デフォルトは
+/\s+/ です. Perl の C<split> と同様です.
+=head2 Split[=string|pattern]
+list => list
+Split each of a list of strings and turn them into array refs.
+文字列のリストの各要素を split して, 配列のリファレンスにします.
+=head2 strict
+scalar => scalar
+Prepend the string:
+    use strict; 
+    use warnings;
+to the block's text.
+=head2 tail[=number]
+list => list
+Return a number of elements from the end of a list. The default
+number is one.
+=head2 trim
+list => list
+Remove extra blank lines from the beginning and end of the data. This
+allows you to visually separate your test data with blank lines.
+=head2 unchomp
+list => list
+Add a newline to each string value in a list.
+=head2 write_file[=filename]
+scalar => scalar
+Write the content of the section to the named file. Return the filename.
+=head2 yaml
+scalar => list
+Apply the YAML::Load function to the data block and use the resultant
+structure. Requires YAML.pm.
+データブロックに YAML::Load 関数を適用し, 得られた構造を
+利用します. YAML.pm を require します.
+=head1 著者
+Ingy dE<ouml>t Net <ingy****@cpan*****>
+=head1 著作権
+Copyright (c) 2006. Ingy dE<ouml>t Net. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2005. Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+このプログラムはフリーソフトウェアです。あなたは Perl と同じ
+ライセンスの 元で再配布及び変更を行うことが出来ます.
+See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
+参考 http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html

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