[Parakeet-cvs] FCON - re.leased some g.reat news and ex.pected to soar on Tuesday

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Wright Herron pfbnk****@yahoo*****
2004年 7月 21日 (水) 07:17:07 JST


Dont miss this great inves.tment issue! FCON is another hot public traded =
company that is set to soar on Tuesday 20th of July

Check the latest n.ews releases from the  company for updated new.s !_!

Company released fantastic new.s and it is ex.pected that the demand is so=
 high that FCON stock pr.ice goes to $2.6-$3.25 by the end of the week!!

BIG PR camp.aign startin.g on 20th of July for FCON - Sto.ck will exp.lode=
 - Just read the new.s - Mill.ions of people will rece.ive the positive ne=
ws and P.R information about FCO.N during the week.end :)

P.rice on Friday: .$1.45
Next 3 days potential pric.e: ,$2.5
Next 10 days potential pric.e: .$3.25

Get on Bo.ard with FCON and enjoy some inc.redible pr.ofits in the next 3-=
10 days!

-------------Company Information---------------------------

FinancialContent is a lead.ing content soluti.on provider specializing in =
the in.tegration and delivery of fina.ncial data and tools into web sites,=
 cor.porate intranets and print m.edia. The Company's mission is to em.pow=
er its clients wi.th the ability to customize and man.age their own deploy=
m..ents With over 200 depl.oyments worldwide, FinancialConte.nt is rapidly=
 growing its client base to include banks, brok.erages, credit-unions, and=
 app.lication servi.ce providers, as well as diver.sified media busin.esse=
s and Fortune 500 c.ompanies. 
------------------------ NEWS ----------------------------
MediaNews Group, Inc. is the nation's 7th-largest newspaper com.pany, with=
 headquarters in Denver, Colorado. MediaNews Group and its af.filiated com=
panies publish 50 daily new.s.papers and 115 non-daily pub.lications in 12=
 states, with daily and Sund.ay circulation of approx.imately 2.1 million =
and 2.4 million res.pectively. In addition, MediaNews Group owns a CBS aff=
iliate in Anchorage, Alaska and four radio stations in Texas. 

MediaNews will im.plement the first de.ployments on the websites for the C=
onnecticut Post, the Denver Post, the Los Angeles Daily New.s and the Salt=
 Lake Tribune. Forty other daily online editions will add custom fi.nancia=
l channels over the next several weeks. 

"MediaNews re.presents the finest example to date of an e.nterprise custom=
er leverag.ing all the features and capabili.ties of our Studio 3.5 conten=
t management plat.form," said Wing Yu, CEO of Fina.ncialContent. 

Information within this email contains "forward looking statements" within=
 the meaning of Section 27A of the Securitie.s Act of 1933 and Se.ct.ion 2=
1B of the .Se.curities Exchange Act of 1934. Any state.ments that express =
or involve dis.cussions with respect to pr.edictions, goals, expect.ations=
, beliefs, plans, projec.tions, object.ives, assumptions or futu.re events=
 or performance are not stat.ements of histo,rical fact and may be "forw.a=
rd looking stat.ements." All information provided within this ema.il perta=
inin.g to inves.ting, st.ocks, securities must be under.stood as informati=
on provided and not inv.estment advice. We advise all rea.ders and subscr=
i.bers to seek advice from a registered professi.onal securities represent=
a.tive before deciding to tra.de in sto.cks feat.ured within this e.mail. =
None of the material within this re.port shall be construed as any kind of=
 investment advice. Please have in min.d that the interpr.etation of the w=
iter of this newslet.ter about the news published by the com.pany does not=
 represent the company official statement and in fact may differ from the =
real meaning of what the news release meant to say. Please read the ne.ws =
release b.y yourself and judge by yourself abo.ut the detai.ls in it.  We =
DO hold FCON. shares prio.r to the public.ation of this report. Be aw.are =
of an inher.ent conflict of interest resul.ting from such ho.ldings due to=
 our int.ent to profit from the liquidati.on of these shares. Our shar.es =
may be sold at any time, even after positive stat.ements have been made re=
garding the above comp.any. Readers of this publi.cation are cauti.oned n=
ot to place undue re.liance on forward-looking s.tatements, which are base=
d on cert.ain a.ssumptions and expectat.ions involving various ri.sks and =
uncert.ainties, that could cause results to differ material.ly from those =
set forth in the forward- looking s.tatements. Please be advi.sed that not=
hing within this email shall cons.titute a solicitat.ion or an of.fer to b=
uy or sel.l any security menti.oned here.in. This new.sletter is neither a=
 registered investment advisor nor affiliated with any broker or dealer.  =
This newslette.r was paid $11500 from third party to send this repo.rt. PL=


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