Portal Application Laboratory project now starts! / 発足!
2005-11-12 19:57 (by tigercat)

Portal Application Laboratory プロジェクト発足のお知らせ!

Portal Application Laboratoryでは,ポータルサーバを利用したホームページ作成やサイト構築がより一般的に普及することを目指して,JSR-168のJava Portlet APIに準拠した有用かつ汎用的なアプリケーションの開発および紹介,またはポータルサーバのカスタマイズについて取り組んでいます。


Portal Application Laboratory チーム一同

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Portal Application Laboratory project now starts!

We are developing and introducing general-purpose portal applications based on the standard of JSR-168 Java Portlet API. To realize you can build homepages using many useful applications with portal server, and to popularize that is the mission of us.

First of all, we are planning expansion of community and enrichment of contents.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.

Portal Application Laboratory Team

Portal Application Laboratory project news list