[Nxt-user] he heard Tom

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Bosquet print****@kn-gr*****
2009年 8月 25日 (火) 21:56:08 JST

St your little neck off for you!" muttered Merwell, and was on the point
of hitting the boy in the face when Dave stepped up behind him and
caught his arm. "Don't you know better than to hit a little chap like
this, Merwell?" he demanded. "Porter!" muttered the western youth, and
his face took on a sour look. "Say, this ain't none of your affair!" he
burst out. "You keep your hands off." "Please don't let him hurt me!"
pleaded the ragged newsboy. "I didn't do wrong, mister. I ain't seen no
gold piece. He gave me a cent yesterday for a newspaper, that's all."
And the boy looked imploringly at Dave. "He's got a five-dollar gold
piece of mine," cried Link Merwell. "I want it. And what's more, Dave
Porter, I want you to keep your nose out of my business!" he added,
fiercely. "Merwell," answered Dave, as calmly as he could, "I have no
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