

Nitrux is a Linux desktop distribution directly based on Debian. It uses the Calamares installer and includes NX Desktop and NX Firewall on the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment and KDE Applications.

Nitrux emphasizes the use of AppImages to manage end-user software. Nitrux also does not use systemd as its init system; instead, it uses OpenRC.

Nitrux includes a suite of convergent applications called Maui Apps. We use MauiKit, our convergent, cross-platform UI framework, to create these applications. Both MauiKit and the Maui Apps are entirely free and open-source software.

In addition, we include a curated selection of free and open-source software by default; we don’t add proprietary end-user software (*).

Nitrux is very up-to-date, thanks to using the latest Debian base and to the effort of the KDE Neon developers, who provide the latest stable releases of KDE Plasma 5. Nitrux also provides its users with the latest MESA drivers from Git and kernels optimized for intensive tasks such as gaming with Liquorix.

Nitrux is an immutable Linux distribution, meaning no changes occur to the content of the root directory by default. We use overlayroot, which allows us to provide new distribution versions more accurately.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert

Veröffentlicht: 2021-12-06 17:19
ISO Release Archive Nitrux 1.7.1 build.011221 (2 files Verstecken)


Today is the day! — Nitrux 1.7.1 is available to download

We are pleased to announce the launch of Nitrux 1.7.1. This new version brings together the latest software updates, bug fixes, performance improvements, and ready-to-use hardware support.

Nitrux 1.7.1 is available for immediate download.