[Ngms-svn] SVN-Commit: [103] [NMShell] mkdir implemented and tested by ITPL; mode option is not yet implemented

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2010年 1月 28日 (木) 17:39:15 JST

Revision: 103
Author:   ikemoto
Date:     2010-01-28 17:39:15 +0900 (Thu, 28 Jan 2010)

Log Message:
[NMShell] mkdir implemented and tested by ITPL; mode option is not yet implemented

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Modified: trunk/source/NMShell/src/info/ngms/commands/mkdir.scala
--- trunk/source/NMShell/src/info/ngms/commands/mkdir.scala	2010-01-28 08:05:16 UTC (rev 102)
+++ trunk/source/NMShell/src/info/ngms/commands/mkdir.scala	2010-01-28 08:39:15 UTC (rev 103)
@@ -1,45 +1,373 @@
- *  Next Generation Management System Project
- *  Copyright(c) 2009, NGMS Project Team All Rights Reserved.
- */
-package info.ngms.commands
-import info.ngms.nmshell.NMCommand
-import info.ngms.nmshell.NMCommandContext
-import info.ngms.nmshell.NMCommandStream
-import info.ngms.nmshell.NMCommandStreamKind
-import info.ngms.nmshell.NMCommandParameterInfo
-import info.ngms.nmshell.NMRawStream
-import info.ngms.nmshell.RawStream
-import info.ngms.nmshell.NMShellEnvironment
-import info.ngms.nmtree.NMTree
-import info.ngms.nmtree.NMPath
-import info.ngms.nmtree.NMTreeElements
-class mkdir extends NMCommand {
-    val name = "mkdir"
-    private var targetDirnames : Option[Array[String]] = None
-    def parseOption( args : Array[String] ) : Unit = {
-        if (args.length > 0) targetDirnames = Some(args)
-    }
-    def parameters : List[ NMCommandParameterInfo ] = {
-        Nil
-    }
-    def doWork( env : NMCommandContext ) : Unit = {
-        val current = NMShellEnvironment.currentPath
-        targetDirnames match {
-            case Some(names) =>
-                names foreach { name =>
-                    NMTree.createDir(current.concat(name))
-                }
-            case None => print_err(env, "no enough arguments\n")
-        }
-    }
-    def inputStreamKind  = RawStream()
-    def outputStreamKind = RawStream()
+ *  Next Generation Management System Project
+ *  Copyright(c) 2009, NGMS Project Team All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package info.ngms.commands
+//import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
+//import scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers
+//import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
+import info.ngms.nmshell.NMCommand
+import info.ngms.nmshell.NMCommandContext
+import info.ngms.nmshell.NMCommandParameterInfo
+import info.ngms.nmshell.NMCommandStreamKind
+import info.ngms.nmshell.RawStream
+import info.ngms.nmshell.NMShellEnvironment
+import info.ngms.nmtree.NMPath
+import info.ngms.nmtree.NMTree
+import info.ngms.nmtree.LowLevelException
+import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
+import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
+import org.apache.commons.cli.Options
+import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser
+ * 指定された名前で新しくディレクトリを作成します。
+ * <p>
+ * 書式 mkdir [options] directory...
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * <p>オプション</p>
+ * <dl>
+ * <dt>-m mode,  --mode mode</dt>
+ * <dd>作成したディレクトリのアクセス権限を mode に指定します。</dd>
+ * <dt>-p, --parents</dt>
+ * <dd>存在しない親のパスを含めてディレクトリを作成します。
+ * 指定したディレクトリが全て既に存在していても、エラーとはなりません。</dd>
+ * <dt>-v, --verbose</dt>
+ * <dd>作成したディレクトリ名を表示します。</dd>
+ * </dl>
+ *
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @auther ikemo****@itpl*****
+ */
+class mkdir extends NMCommand {
+    /**
+     * このクラスの名称をもとに、このコマンドの名称を返します。
+     * コマンドの名称はすべて小文字となります。
+     *
+     * @return このコマンドの名称
+     */
+    def commandName() : String = {
+        val splittedClassName : Array[String] = getClass().getName().split("\\.")
+        return splittedClassName(splittedClassName.length - 1).toLowerCase()
+    }
+    /**
+     * このコマンドの名称です。
+     */
+    val name : String = commandName()
+    /**
+     * 与えられたコマンドライン引数をもとに、オプション引数を解析します。
+     *
+     * @args コマンドライン引数の配列
+     */
+    def parseOption( args : Array[String] ) : Unit = {
+        commandLine = createCommandLine(args)
+    }
+    private[this] var commandLine : CommandLine = null
+    private[this] val commandLineOptions : Options = new Options()
+    private[this] def setupCommandLineOptions() : Unit = {
+        commandLineOptions.
+                addOption("m", "mode", true, "set file mode").
+                addOption("p", "parents", false, "no error if existing, make parent directories as needed").
+                addOption("v", "verbose", false, "print a message for each created directory")
+    }
+//    private object ModeParsers extends RegexParsers {
+//        def modes : Parser[List[UsersAndOperation]] = {repsep(mode, ",")}
+//        def mode : Parser[UsersAndOperation] = {(opt(users)) ~ operatorAndOperands ^^ {
+//                case Some(users) ~ operatorAndOperands => new UsersAndOperation(users, operatorAndOperands)
+//                case None ~ operatorAndOperands => new UsersAndOperation(null, operatorAndOperands)
+//            }
+//        }
+////        def users : Parser[List[String]] = {rep("u" | "a")}
+//        def users : Parser[List[String]] = {rep("u" | "g" | "o" | "a")}
+//        def operatorAndOperands : Parser[OperatorAndOperands] = {
+//            operator ~ rep(operand) ^^ {
+//                case operator ~ operands => new OperatorAndOperands(operator, operands)
+//            }
+//        }
+//        def operator : Parser[String] =  {"+" | "-" | "="}
+//        def operand : Parser[String] =  {"r" | "w" | "x"}
+//        class UsersAndOperation (val users : List[String], val operation : OperatorAndOperands) {
+//            override def toString : String = {
+//                return "UsersAndOperation(" + users + ", " + operation + ")"
+//            }
+//        }
+//        class OperatorAndOperands (val operator : String, val operands : List[String]) {
+//            override def toString : String = {
+//                return "OperatorAndOperands(" + operator + ", " + operands + ")"
+//            }
+//        }
+//    }
+    private[commands] def createCommandLine( args : Array[String] ) : CommandLine = {
+//println("args.length: " + args.length)
+//args.foreach((arg: String) => {println("arg: '" + arg + "'")})
+        setupCommandLineOptions()
+        return new PosixParser().parse(commandLineOptions, args)
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    def parameters : List[ NMCommandParameterInfo ] = {
+        Nil
+    }
+    /**
+     * コマンドの受けつけるストリームの種類を取得する
+     *
+     * @return 入力ストリームの種類
+     */
+    def inputStreamKind : NMCommandStreamKind = new RawStream()
+    /**
+     * コマンドの出力するストリームの種類を取得する
+     *
+     * @return 出力ストリームの種類
+     */
+    def outputStreamKind : NMCommandStreamKind = new RawStream()
+    private[this] var context : NMCommandContext = null
+//    private[this] var modeSetting : ModeSetting = null
+//    private[this] class ModeSetting (modes : List[ModeParsers.UsersAndOperation]) {
+//        var readableByOwnerOnly : Boolean = false
+//        var readableByAll : Boolean = false
+//        var unreadableByOwnerOnly : Boolean = false
+//        var unreadableByAll : Boolean = false
+//        var writableByOwnerOnly : Boolean = false
+//        var writableByAll : Boolean = false
+//        var unwritableByOwnerOnly : Boolean = false
+//        var unwritableByAll : Boolean = false
+//        var executableByOwnerOnly : Boolean = false
+//        var executableByAll : Boolean = false
+//        var unexecutableByOwnerOnly : Boolean = false
+//        var unexecutableByAll : Boolean = false
+////        outPrintln(modes.toString)
+//        modes.foreach((mode : ModeParsers.UsersAndOperation) => {
+//            mode.users match {
+//                case null => {setupByUser("a", mode.operation)}
+//                case _ => {
+//                    mode.users.foreach((user : String) => {setupByUser(user, mode.operation)})
+//                }
+//            }
+//        })
+//        private def setupByUser(user : String, operatorAndOperands : ModeParsers.OperatorAndOperands) : Unit = {
+//            user match {
+//                case "u" => {
+//                    operatorAndOperands.operator match {
+//                        case "+" => {
+//                            operatorAndOperands.operands.foreach((operand : String) => {
+//                                operand match {
+//                                    case "r" => {readableByOwnerOnly = true}
+//                                    case "w" => {writableByOwnerOnly = true}
+//                                    case "x" => {executableByOwnerOnly = true}
+//                                }
+//                            })
+//                        }
+//                        case "-" => {
+//                            operatorAndOperands.operands.foreach((operand : String) => {
+//                                operand match {
+//                                    case "r" => {readableByOwnerOnly = false}
+//                                    case "w" => {writableByOwnerOnly = false}
+//                                    case "x" => {executableByOwnerOnly = false}
+//                                }
+//                            })
+//                        }
+//                        case "=" => {
+//                            operatorAndOperands.operands.foreach((operand : String) => {
+//                                operand match {
+//                                    case "r" => {readableByOwnerOnly = true}
+//                                    case "w" => {writableByOwnerOnly = true}
+//                                    case "x" => {executableByOwnerOnly = true}
+//                                }
+//                            })
+//                            if( ! operatorAndOperands.operands.contains("r") ) {
+//                                readableByOwnerOnly = false
+//                            }
+//                            if( ! operatorAndOperands.operands.contains("w") ) {
+//                                writableByOwnerOnly = false
+//                            }
+//                            if( ! operatorAndOperands.operands.contains("x") ) {
+//                                executableByOwnerOnly = false
+//                            }
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                }
+//                case "a" => {
+//                    operatorAndOperands.operator match {
+//                        case "+" => {
+//                            operatorAndOperands.operands.foreach((operand : String) => {
+//                                operand match {
+//                                    case "r" => {readableByAll = true}
+//                                    case "w" => {writableByAll = true}
+//                                    case "x" => {executableByAll = true}
+//                                }
+//                            })
+//                        }
+//                        case "-" => {
+//                            operatorAndOperands.operands.foreach((operand : String) => {
+//                                operand match {
+//                                    case "r" => {readableByAll = false}
+//                                    case "w" => {writableByAll = false}
+//                                    case "x" => {executableByAll = false}
+//                                }
+//                            })
+//                        }
+//                        case "=" => {
+//                            operatorAndOperands.operands.foreach((operand : String) => {
+//                                operand match {
+//                                    case "r" => {readableByAll = true}
+//                                    case "w" => {writableByAll = true}
+//                                    case "x" => {executableByAll = true}
+//                                }
+//                            })
+//                            if( ! operatorAndOperands.operands.contains("r") ) {
+//                                readableByAll = false
+//                            }
+//                            if( ! operatorAndOperands.operands.contains("w") ) {
+//                                writableByAll = false
+//                            }
+//                            if( ! operatorAndOperands.operands.contains("x") ) {
+//                                executableByAll = false
+//                            }
+//                        }
+//                    }
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }
+//    }
+    /**
+     * このコマンドの機能を実行します。
+     *
+     * @param givenContext プロセスの現在の状態
+     */
+    def doWork ( givenContext : NMCommandContext ) : Unit = {
+//println("NMShellEnvironment.currentPath.canonical: " + NMShellEnvironment.currentPath.canonical)
+        context = givenContext
+        val specifiedNewDirs : Array[String] = commandLine.getArgs()
+        if (specifiedNewDirs.length == 0) {
+            errPrintln(name + ": missing operand")
+            printUsage(context)
+            return
+        }
+        if (commandLine.hasOption("m")) {
+            errPrintln(name + ": mode option is currently not supported")
+            return
+//            val modeOptionValue : String = commandLine.getOptionValue("m")
+//            val parseResult : ModeParsers.ParseResult[List[ModeParsers.UsersAndOperation]] =
+//                    ModeParsers.parseAll(ModeParsers.modes, modeOptionValue)
+//            if ( ! parseResult.successful ) {
+//                errPrintln(name + ": invalid mode `" + modeOptionValue + "'")
+//                return
+//            }
+//            modeSetting = new ModeSetting(parseResult.get)
+        }
+        specifiedNewDirs.foreach((dir: String) => {processArg(context, dir)})
+    }
+//        private[this] def setFileMode(path : NMPath) : Boolean = {
+//            var failed : Boolean = true
+//            return failed
+//        }
+    private[this] def processArg(context : NMCommandContext, dir : String) : Unit = {
+        val newDirPath : NMPath = if(pathNameIsAbsolute(dir)) {
+//println("creating directory with the given absolute path: " + dir)
+            new NMPath(dir)
+        } else {
+//println("creating directory with the given relative path: " + dir)
+            new NMPath(NMShellEnvironment.currentPath.canonical + NMPath.separator + dir)
+        }
+        createDir(newDirPath)
+    }
+    private[this] def pathNameIsAbsolute(pathName : String) : Boolean = {
+        return pathName.startsWith(NMPath.root)
+    }
+    private[this] def createDir(newDirPath : NMPath) : Unit = {
+//print(context, name + ": creating directory `" + newDirPath + "' ...\n")
+        if(newDirPath.exists) {
+            errPrintln(errorMessage(newDirPath) + ": File exists")
+            return
+        }
+        if(!newDirPath.parent.exists) {
+            if (commandLine.hasOption("p")) {
+                createDir(newDirPath.parent)
+            } else {
+                errPrintln(errorMessage(newDirPath) + ": No such file or directory")
+                return
+            }
+        }
+        try {
+            NMTree.createDir(newDirPath)
+            if (commandLine.hasOption("v")) {
+                outPrintln(name + ": " + "created directory `" + newDirPath.canonical)
+            }
+        } catch {
+            case exception: LowLevelException => {
+                errPrintln(name + ": " + exception.getMessage())
+            }
+            case exception: SecurityException => {
+                errPrintln(errorMessage(newDirPath) + "' :")
+                errPrintln(name + ": " + exception.getMessage())
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private[this] def errorMessage(path : NMPath) : String = {
+        return name + ": cannot create directory `" + path.canonical + "'"
+    }
+    private[this] def printUsage(context : NMCommandContext) : Unit = {
+        new HelpFormatter().printHelp(name + " [OPTION]... DIRECTORY...\n",
+            "Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.", commandLineOptions, null)
+    }
+    private[this] val lineSeparator = "\n"
+    private[this] def outPrintln(text : String) : Unit = {
+        print(context, text + lineSeparator)
+    }
+    private[this] def errPrintln(text : String) : Unit = {
+        print_err(context, text + lineSeparator)
+    }

Property changes on: trunk/source/NMShell/src/info/ngms/commands/mkdir.scala
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id

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