frixos delena
2007年 9月 22日 (土) 03:39:43 JST
Ru'mor N,e.w's.: Onco..logy M,e'd-. I_n*c_. (_OTC: ONCO-) a Cance+r Trea .tment So+l utions Grou,p is s.a,i_d to h-a*v'e experien'ce,d o.v,e_r a 10*00% incr.+ease in re*ven,ues f+o_r t-h+e fisc-al 3,r-d qu-arter end*ing J*u.l,y+, 2+0,0*7 c*ompare,d w i-t h t'h e pri*or y.e,a_r whil.e fisca l fo*urth qu arter result.s f o_r 2'0'0_7 a*r-e on tr-ack to excee*d t'h+i s ye+ar’s thir,d quarte-r r,esults. O*N*C O ad d.itionally pla+ns to i,ncrea'se s_ervice offeri+ng+s whic,h a,r'e curr,ent+ly u*nd+erway. Don_’t w a_i+t f-o+r t-h-e n-e-w-s to c+o m+e o.u-t a_n*d l'o,s*e t'h.e opp-ortun.ity to g+e.t in fr-ont of the g*eneral i.-nvesting publ*ic. O.nco-logy M e+d is in a multibill-i,on dolla,r in d_ustry w,h_e r.e t_h_e+y a r e gain-ing m'arket s*hare rapidl'y. C'a_l+l y_o_u_r br.oker n,o-w f-o-r O*N'C_O,. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B...Download