[macemacsjp-english 870] auctex/pdf

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Seiji Zenitani zenit****@mac*****
Sun Feb 4 06:37:37 JST 2007

Dear all,

Regarding the auctex/pdf issue, does everyone become happier if I put  
the below line into /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/site- 

       "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper a5r -s 0 %d")
      ("^dvi$" ,(concat "^" (regexp-opt '("a5paper" "a5comb")) "$")
       "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper a5 %d")
+    ("^pdf$" "." "open -a Preview.app %o")
      ("^pdf$" "." "xpdf -remote %s -raise %o %(outpage)")
      ("^html?$" "." "netscape %o"))
    "List of output file extensions and view options.


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