[macemacsjp-english 691] Font rendering problem with 'screen' font

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Nicholas Riley njril****@uiuc*****
Tue Oct 3 23:21:30 JST 2006

Hi again,

My favorite monospaced font is SGI's 'screen' font.  I wrapped it in
TrueType with FontForge so I can use it on Mac OS X, and for the most
part it works well - in Terminal, Mail, Safari, and most other Cocoa
apps.  There are spacing issues in Carbon-using apps such as BBEdit
and Camino, however.  Emacs does not exhibit the spacing issues, but
it does have one problem that I can't seem to resolve - the bold
variant of the font is drawn invisibly.  I don't see this particular
problem in any other application so I am hopeful it can be resolved.

Older versions of GNU Emacs for OS X did not have this rendering
problem.  The line spacing changed in Tiger, however, as shown here:


With your Emacs the display returns to that of Panther with the
exception that the "setup.py" test is invisible.

There is a bold version of this font, but when I enable it, all kinds
of strange things happen, such as Terminal displaying the bold font
with doubled width, so it is disabled.  It's possible I have
incorrectly converted the font, but I am not sure what to change.

Any ideas on how to solve this problem?

Alternately, is there a way to tell Emacs not to use the bold font
ever?  The most common place I find it missing is in the status line;
it is helpful to be able to see the filename. :-)


Nicholas Riley <njril****@uiuc*****> | <http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/njriley>

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