[macemacsjp-english 602] Re: 2006-06-16 Build and AUCTeX

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Brian J. Lopes statm****@gmail*****
Tue Jun 27 04:06:51 JST 2006

> Regarding AUCTeX, there is no drastic change between 2006-03-25 build  
> (auctex 11.82) and 2006-06-16 build (auctex 11.83). I tried the  
> following .emacs on my 2006-06-16 build, both auto-fill and flyspell  
> works fine.
> Does anyone experience similar problems?


Thanks for your help, silly me didn't try this code _alone_ as my
.emacs, and it works for me as well in the latest build.  Yet, it
still doesn't work when I have it in my entire .emacs file.  The
configuration files is a bit daunting and sloppy, which is why I
hesitate to include it.  One of those to-do items, clean up .emacs so
it is easier to read.

Anyway, the same .emacs works fine on the March build of Carbon Emacs,
so there is still something fishy going on.  I have traced the problem
back to the following lines in my .emacs file:


; Look in local elisp folder first
(setq load-path (append load-path (list nil "~/.elisp") load-path)) 
; Point Apple emacs /usr/bin/emacs to Carbon Emacs packages
(setq load-path (append load-path (list nil "/Applications/myapps/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/share/emacs/22.0.50/site-lisp)load-path))


I have this so that I can use local elisp packages, as well as a line
similar to this that points to the Carbon emacs elisp packages.  The
reason for doing this is that I try to use the Apple installed emacs
as my default editor.  In order for it not to complain, it needs to
know where all these packages are installed so that it won't keep
crashing while parsing my .emacs file.  Do you have any advice for me?


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