

LXCF (LXC Facility) is a tool that generates full OS environment as LXC virtual environment.
- It is based on libvirt-lxc
- It can generate containers in a short time (in a few minutes each even if it is long).
- It can manage a lot of containers.
- It supports dynamic resource control of containers.
- To use containers for a long term (a few years or more), you can update software on each container from the host.

LXCF currently supports Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10, Fedora 19, Fedora 20, Fedora21, CentOS 7 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert

Veröffentlicht: 2014-11-14 11:52
LXCF DEB パッケージ lxcf_0.11_amd64.deb (1 files Verstecken)


2014 Nov 14 release 0.11-1 :
LXCF 0.11 is released. Ubuntu14.10 is added to the support os.

1) Addition of REST API
The REST API function that is able to be used by the protocol of Web by way of the network was added.
REST API is able to be used directly on a browser.
Therefore, it uses it as simple GUI.
Of course, it is possible to use API also with the network tool such as curl.

2) Pull function addition of snap shot of passing in network
The function that the snapshot image was able to do in pull between another servers was added.
The package composition of the server can be operated mutually synchronously.

2014 Nov 14 release 0.11-1 :
* Ubuntu 14.10 をサポートするOSとして追加.

Webのプロトコルでネットワーク経由で使えるREST API機能を追加した。
REST APIは、ブラウザ上からも直接使うことができるようにした。

* ネットワーク経由のスナップショットのpull機能追加



2014 Nov 14 release 0.11-1 :
LXCF 0.11 is released. Ubuntu14.10 is added to the support os.

1) Addition of REST API
The REST API function that is able to be used by the protocol of Web by way of the network was added.
REST API is able to be used directly on a browser.
Therefore, it uses it as simple GUI.
Of course, it is possible to use API also with the network tool such as curl.

2) Pull function addition of snap shot of passing in network
The function that the snapshot image was able to do in pull between another servers was added.
The package composition of the server can be operated mutually synchronously.

2014 Nov 14 release 0.11-1 :
* Ubuntu 14.10 をサポートするOSとして追加.

Webのプロトコルでネットワーク経由で使えるREST API機能を追加した。
REST APIは、ブラウザ上からも直接使うことができるようにした。

* ネットワーク経由のスナップショットのpull機能追加
